Ch 27

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"Hey Kurt!" Kurt stopped turning around to face the voice. "Want to go out for coffee later?"

Kurt bites his lip. But then nods anyways. "Sure, I'd love to."

"Great. I'll meet you at the front doors at 3! Don't be late." Then the person was gone. Kurt watched after him, before shaking his head. Him and Blaine hadn't talked for the rest of the summer, and Kurt was missing him. He missed being able to call him up and tell him about how amazing New York was or how good his day was. He knew it was selfish to not call him knowing it was partly his fault but he thought Blaine had overreacted. And maybe Kurt didn't know everything that happened, he still felt he knew enough.

Kurt headed off to his first class of the afternoon. Before his coffee hang out after. The day seemed to drag on yet go so quickly. It was already on the second week of school, and Kurt couldn't wait for the quarter to be finished. He glanced at his phone before he glanced around frowning. He was late. It was already quarter after three.

Just as Kurt was about to leave his friend came running towards him panting- out of breath as if he had just ran a marathon.

"Your late."

"I know. I'm sorry the professor wouldn't let me leave."

"Whatever. Let's just go Sebastian. I need caffeine."

Sebastian smirked, but nonetheless followed behind the tall porcelain boy. His eyes never leaving his backside. Blaine obviously still wasn't talking to the boy. When they walked into the coffee shop, they both were thankful it wasn't to busy. Kurt grabbed a table while Sebastian went to order there coffees. He came back fifteen minutes later with two coffees and a biscuit.

"Thanks." Kurt smiled, breaking a bit of biscuit off for himself.

"Of course, anytime." Sebastian winked. Enjoying the light porcelain skin turn light pink.

"Are you still coming Thursday night?" Kurt asked expectantly.

"Mhm.." Sebastian nodded swallowing his last bit of biscuit. "Adam and I are coming together."

Kurt smiled. "Perfect. I'm so excited, all of my friends will be together at last."

Sebastian chuckled. "Aww- I'm only a friend?" He grinned.

Kurt felt his cheeks turn rosy. "Yes!" I do have Blaine.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "What time should we be there?"

"Supper time. Bring something with you!!"

Blaine closed his eyes, resting an arm over them. His cigarette dangling between his fingers. He loved this park. It was his favourite place. Nobody ever came here especially with it being abandoned. Kurt still hadn't called him. And Blaine was tired of it. His boyfriend so immature, not even calling or texting once. He was starting to get annoyed at him, that Burt even started noticing it.

Blaine over the week had somehow begun talking to Sam- who currently was his best friend. He'd been practically ranting to the new kid about all his life's problems, and the boy seemed to be grasping it all. Hanging onto every single word he said.

"Mom!! Guess what? Guess what!" Blaine practically begged, pleading eyes. He was only 7 years old.

"What honey?" His mother responded, finally looking away from her computer, staring expectantly at her son.

"I. Made. A. New. Friend." Blaine grinned. He was proud of himself. He hadn't made a new friend yet.

"Oh honey, I'm so proud of you." His mother smiled patting her knee. "Come on- come sit."

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