Chapter 6 Ask Out

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A/N:ok so i am trying very hard and am doing my best to  do a good story i was going to make another one but not sure what kind of also THX FOR 91 READS IN 6  DAYS that mean the total world to me thanks again and enjoy  da storyy ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Ok its me again i didnt thought that in such a little matter of time i would see this

A/N:ok so i am trying very hard and am doing my best to  do a good story i was going to make another one but not sure what kind of also THX FOR 91 READS IN 6  DAYS that mean the total world to me thanks again and enjoy  da storyy ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗOk its me ...

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❤︎Clay's POV❤︎
When i woke up i saw that i was cuddling with George i imeaditly blushed so hard and without waking him up got up and looked in the mirror my face was so red and ears were standing straight i was so embaressed.

When i finally got out of the bathroom i saw that Nick was waking up when he got up from bed he walked up to me

Nick:"Good Morning..."

Clay:"Good morning"

I prayed to god that Nick didnt see that

Nick:"so how was sleep tonight?"

Clay:"pretty good, how bout u?"

Nick:"pretty well i still remember that you are ScAReD of HoRRor Movies HAHA"

Clay:"shut up."

Nick:"ookkk so lets go eat breakfast"

Then me and Nick went to the kitchen got some bread and made a sandwich, then i heard a noise coming from the bedroom, and then George got out of the room

George:"Heyyyy whatcha eatin"

Nick:"sanwich want a one?"

George:"ye sure"

Nick:"here ya go a poisoned sandwich"


Nick:"Just kidding so are you gonna eat or what"

George:"yea gonna eat"

When we finally eated our breakfast we got dressed when i leaved Nick's room i got outside then i felt a hand grabbing mine

George:"Hey clay"

Clay:"oh George you scared me and, yes is there anything?"

George:"would it be okay if only just you and me watched some movies?"

Clay:"hmm at what time tho?"

George:"idk maybe like 6PM tommorow?"

Clay:"it is a bit late but ok i really hope it wont be too dark outside"

George:"ok so that is all bye"


then i went to my doorm room when  i  finally was in my doorm room i heated  up  some water  and  made  some  tea  then i  heard a knock  on  a door  it scared  me  a  bit  i  went  to  the  door  and  saw  Nick  

Nick:''heyoooo  whatcha  doin?''

Clay:''making  some  tea  need somethin?''

Nick:''i was  reeeealy  bored and i  was going  to see what are  you doing  cuz  ya  know''

Clay:''yeaa...  so  want  some  tea when  the  water will boil?''

Nick:''yee soooo what are  we gunna doooo'''

Clay:''i dunno  maybe-''

Nick:''MINECRAFT 1V1''

Clay:''yeeee..  i bet  i will  win again''

Nick:''oh  you  will  see...''

Clay:''  suuure''

Nick:''oh  WANNA  BET''

Clay:''oh  what  cha  gonna  bet?''

Nick:''10 $  >  :  )''


sorry if its short i was unactive for some time i am so sorry i forgot about my books and if you want to see some tik tok content of mine go follow me there

𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔𖣔sorry if its short i was unactive for some time i am so sorry i forgot about my books and if you want to see some tik tok content of mine go follow me there

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That is all byeee

572 words ooohhh

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