Part 5 - The train ride.

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Back to the main story! So Chapter 6 will be a little long. However, there's a flashback to go with it. The flashback is, of course, one paragraph. I'll upload the flashback tomorrow and the next day you guys get Chapter 6. :D


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       Part 5 - Delinquent's POV.

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     "Welcome to my natural habitat, the wonderful train of Arsenal" Garbage Handler said proudly. "Hurry the fuck up and sit the fuck down, I'm about to start the train." The bus driver said, staring at Garbage Handler through the big mirror above his controls. Garbage Handler takes my arm, "I sit in the back a lot, but the middle is cool!" We passed by a lot of people on this bus. I recognize some from my last match. A guy in a Chef hat talking to the guy with a headband was having a conversation, sitting next to each other.

"Found us a seat!" Garbage Handler pointed to a pair of seats next to each other. He signaled me to go first. I went to the seats and sat in the one next to the window. Garbage Handler sat next to me. The train finally started moving normally. Garbage Handler put his hands behind his back and sat in a comfortable position, "This place gives me good memories." He closed his eyes and sighed, "Memories I want to forget but they keep coming back." He looked at me with one eye open, "You never really told me anything about you, neither have I. So let's be more than acquaintances." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Let's be friends," He took out his hand for me to shake it. I looked at his hand. "Alright, let's be friends... " I grabbed his hand with mine. He shook my hand violently, "Amazing! Now, tell me about you!" He turned his whole body to face me. "Well," He leaned closer as I opened my mouth to speak. "My name is Delinquent, I'm 16 years old, I have a sister, and I'm in Highschool." Garbage Handler frowned a bit. I suppose that wasn't enough information. "Um... " What else can I say... "I have a bad memory, I like to go swimming, April fools is my favorite holiday," I stopped speaking for a second, "Is April fools a holiday?" Garbage Handler shrugged, "Could be" I continued speaking, "I'm competitive, my favorite color is sky blue, and I enjoy eating blueberry pie." Garbage Handler nodded, "Useless stuff about you, but thanks for that" I rolled my eyes, "Okay what about you?" Garbage Handler rubbed his chin, "Name is Garbage Handler, I like to work with or around Garbage, I enjoy telling or hearing jokes, I'm a big family guy, I'm 17, in high school, and I can skateboard a little." So he's in HighSchool too? I wonder which one he goes to, maybe he goes to my school! "Hey so, what HighSchool you go to? I go to Robloxian High!" I said. "Eh, I go to Phantom Forces Academy for boys. Also where The boi goes to, fun fact" He shrugged. Isn't an academy like a private school? Meaning he's like- rich or something? "Are you rich?" Garbage Handler laughed at me, "No, I have strict parents, that's all" He looked at his phone and swiped through his notifications, "In fact, I'm supposed to be at home by now, I get grounded a lot but it's whatever." Garbage Handler put his hand on his cheek. "By the way," He looked up from his phone, "Are you related to Rabblerouser in any sort of way? You guys look too alike" I nodded, "Yeah, sadly. She's my older sister. We're 4 years apart." I said. Garbage Handler looked at the window, "Yeah she's an interesting fella. I heard that she seems sweet but has a little dark side." He shrugs, "I don't know, it's a rumor". Glad people are catching on to her wicked ways. That woman needs to have serious jail time. 

   Garbage Handler was still looking at the window, "Anything on your mind Garbage Handler?" I said in a worried tone. He seemed to snap out of his thoughts. He sat back comfortably in his seat and smiled at me. "Just remembering the past. The past I desperately desire to get out of my head." His tone of voice didn't match his expression. I looked away from him and stared at the window. "Why do you have so many pictures of that guy with a huge hat?" I suddenly said. "Oh wow! We're almost at Boulevard! One more stop." I felt the train come to a stop. I looked to Garbage Handler's side and saw some people get up. "Yes! Can't wait to eat that macron cake!" Garbage Handler rubbed his stomach. Well, he ignored my question. That's something. The guy with a big hat didn't seem to like Garbage Handler either.. Or maybe he didn't know him? But that makes no sense because- "Are you going to get up?" I looked up at Garbage Handler standing with his hand out to me. "Come on dude, we're here!" I reached out for his hand and he pulled me out. We walked to the backdoor of the train and went down the small stairs. We finally got out of the train. 


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Yeah, it's a little small, but haha I can't write that much. :( Sorry! But I promise Chapter 6 will be long in length. 

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                         835 Words.

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