Part 11 - Breaking news.

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 Sorry for the long wait! Enjoy this part and another Flashback!

[ Delinquent's POV ]

 "Heh, no, we aren't together... yet," BrickBattle said. BrickBattle, Garbage Handler, and I were at, well, of course, Brickbattle's coffee shop. It was a new day.

   "You should just ask her out. Everyone knows you have a crush on her." Garbage Handler smirked at BrickBattle. "Well! Yeah! I'll ask her out soon! When it's the right time!" He said to Garbage Handler. "Ask out who?" A soft-spoken girl said. Marionette is her name, she's a, well, she's a puppet. She wears a pretty long dress. I like her style. "NOBODY!" BrickBattle yelled out. Marionette looked at him confused. "Well, I was here to say that we have 10 new orders in for delivery." She said. BrickBattle nodded at her. I'll help you with it in a second! Marionette smiled at him. Then she walked away. BrickBattle looked back at us and started blushing. "She's so cute..." BrickBattle said. Garbage Handler and I rolled our eyes. "I don't find Puppets attractive, but whatever gets your dick hard." Garbage Handler said. "Don't say that! My dad doesn't like cursing!" Brickbattle said. "Hey guys, let's watch the news. I heard there's a special coming on." I said. "Oh yeah, I heard about that." Garbage Handler added. Since BrickBattle has a TV inside his shop, we won't have to go anywhere. Brickbattle got a remote and turned on the TV. "BREAKING NEWS! RED PANDA AND PIRATE ARE REPORTED AS MISSING! IF ANYONE SEES THEM, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!" The news broadcaster said. I stared at the TV with wide eyes. So did Garbage Handler and BrickBattle. "...What the fuck." I said. "I don't feel safe anymore, so many people are dying and going missing!" Garbage Handler looked at me. "Yeah, my dad has his driver to take me places, he won't let me walk outside anymore. " Brickbattle said. "I hope The Boi is safe," I said to myself while I looked at the TV.

  As soon as I said that, the door opened. I looked at the entrance to see The Boi. My eyes lit up. I got out of my seat and ran to The Boi. I hugged him. "Since when they've been close?" Garbage Handler said. "Pretty gay if you think about it," BrickBattle said. I felt The Boi's hands on my back, then he quickly removed them. "Hey, how about we go sit down?" He looked at me. I looked up at him and nodded. I took his arm and dragged him to the table Garbage Handler and BrickBattle were at. "So you two a thing?" Garbage Handler took a bite of his cake. I started blushing madly. I let go of The Boi's arm and sat down at the table. "Never in a million years." I crossed my arms. The Boi went to sit down across from me. "Your face says otherwise!" Brickbattle pointed at my cheeks. I started blushing even more. "STOP! I- I.. JUST SHUT IT!" I yelled out. Garbage Handler and BrickBattle started laughing. I looked at both of them annoyed. I looked at The Boi. "So today on the news, they said Red Panda and Pirate are missing. That's terrible!" The boi looked at me. "That's unfortunate." Then, I saw him smirk a little. I looked at him a little confused but I shrugged it off. I mean he's forced to smile, maybe he didn't mean to smirk. Wait, is he forced or could he easily change his expression? That's a question I need to ask at a later time. "I don't know if you got my voicemail from yesterday.." I looked to the side and blushed. "I got it." He said. I started nervously laughing. "Haha, anyways-" The Boi interrupted me, "It's nice of you to leave me that message. Thanks for caring about me, friend." His eyes are not leaving mine. I felt my cheeks heating up again, so I quickly turned my direction back to the TV.

   Brickbattle got up from the booth, "Gotta help out my girl with the delivery orders." He winked at us. Garbage Handler scoffed, "Yeah bro your girl, you can't even stand next to her for a minute without blushing nonstop" He laughed at Brickbattle. He then pointed his fork at him, well, the fork he was using to eat his cake. "Now if you want her to be ya girl, I say drop the tough guy act whenever she's around". Brickbattle narrowed his eyes at Garbage Handler, "There is no "Tough guy act" I AM A TOUGH GUY." Brickbattle stomps away. "AND THAT CAKE ISN'T FREE PAY UP!" He opens a door and disappears. Garbage Handler starts laughing again and turns to The Boi and I, "So wanna pay for my cake?"

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