Chapter 6

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"How about we DON'T go here?..." suggested Darkstalker, but it was too late. He looked back and saw Peacemaker fly down to the city. Darkstalker followed quickly after him and looked around in a panic. A few NightWings were looking at him funny, some laughed while others just ignored him. Darkstalker dug his talons into the dirt once more to shut off the dream, but for the first time ever, he couldn't shut off the dream.

"No, no, no!" he cried. Darkstalker ran into a crowd of NightWings, looking for Peacemaker. He kept asking all of the dragons "Have you seen a dragonet with rainbow wing scales", but nobody's seen Peacemaker.

Then, the worst possible thing happened.

A group of dragons, an IceWing, two NightWings, and a black NightWing with IceWing spikes and snout flew down. Darkstalker starred in complete and utter disgust and panic at the group, mostly towards the NightWing that looked exactly like him.

"Peacemaker!" Darkstalker called out. The group of dragons landed on the stage of the Great Diamond and began to call NightWings to see. Darkstalker stepped in front of a few NightWings, begging them to run and to not go, but they just looked at him like he was insane and kept walking. Darkstalker kept on calling out for Peacemaker until he heard a small voice call out.

"Darky? DARKY!" it said. Darkstalker turned around and saw Peacemaker there running towards him. Darkstalker scooped him up and tried to fly away, but the crowd blocked him. No matter what he couldn't escape. He tried to fly but his wings limped down on the ground. Peacemaker looked at Darkstalker in surprise.

"Why are you trying to fly?" he questioned. "It seems like a show is about to go on, and you're on it too!" Peacemaker continued.

"Because something bad is going to happen if I don't!" Darkstalker snapped back and Peacemaker's face turned from surprised to fearful. Darkstalker could hear the IceWing admit to his darkest secrets and panicked more and more. He tried again to cancel the dream, only for it to not work once more.

"Tear out your tongue..." a cold voice said. The entire crowd started to whisper and murmur. Peacemaker slipped out of Darkstalker's talons and watched on. Darkstalker couldn't bring himself to turn around and opened his wings as far as he could to shield Peacemaker.

"Why is he grabbing his tongue?" questioned Peacemaker. Darkstalker didn't have an answer. Darkstalker heard the sounds of the IceWing struggling and shouting profanity after profanity at the NightWings. Darkstalker started down at Peacemaker, who's expression was full of fear. His wing scales turned pure white as the sounds of the crowd screaming filled his ears.

"Run, Peacemaker!" Darkstalker shouted. Peacemaker stepped back but the massive wall of NightWings blocked him. Darkstalker tried to move forward but the ground seemed to be stuck to his talons.

"Rip out your stomach." said the cold voice. Darkstalker dug his talons into the dirt and begged for the dream to stop. The city began to slowly fade away as the crowd ran into the void, never to be seen again. Darkstalker could move again and turned around to face the stage. There, the bodies of him, Clearsight, Whiteout, and Arctic were still lingering before they were swallowed by the darkness.

"Darky?..." Peacemaker said. Darkstalker felt a wave of emotions. Anger, hate, sadness, fear, regret, guilt, all at once.

"I'm so sorry, Peacemaker..." he whispered. Darkstalker slumped down onto the black ground and for the first time in years, began to cry.

"W-was that you?" Peacemaker continued. Darkstalker looked back at Peacemaker, who stared at him as if he was a monster, the monster he really was. Darkstalker nodded and hung his head.

"You shouldn't have seen that... I-- I didn't want you to see that..." Darkstalker said looking at the reflection in the abyss. Peacemaker walked over and sat beside Darkstalker.

"Did you make that IceWing do that?" he asked.

"Yes... And he was my... Father..." he choked out. Darkstalker felt disgusted to be even beside Peacemaker now.

"You... Are you that Darkstalker?"

Darkstalker hesitated.

"Yes. I am Darkstalker," he said. "And you are too." Peacemaker looked at his talons.

"How could I be you?!" he asked, his wing's turning a plethora of colours.

"I was tricked. You were designed to destroy me. The only reason you exist now is to kill me, but as you can see that didn't work." Darkstalker said, each word he spoke felt like daggers slicing his throat. Peacemaker looked at his talons and his breathing got shallow.

"I-- I can't be-- You we're--" Peacemaker screamed. Darkstalker felt as though a boulder of guilt was placed on top of him.

"I'm sorry for... Everything..." Darkstalker apologized. Peacemaker looked at Darkstalker, tears began to fill his eyes, and hugged Darkstalker.

"At least you're sorry." Peacemaker said, drying his tears against Darkstalker's leg. Darkstalker felt confused.

"Why are you accepting my apology? I-- I did a bunch of horrible things and--" he was cut of by Peacemaker.

"Because you're not you anymore. You're me, and I will do better." Peacemaker said, cracking a smile.
Darkstalker crouched down and hugged Peacemaker and both dragons floated away in the void.

"Thank you..."

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