Chapter 1

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~One year later~

"So.. How was your first day of school?" Darkstalker asked, walking alongside Peacemaker.

"Boring.. I missed talking to you.." Peacemaker said. Darkstalker chuckled.

"It was hard for me too. I couldn't even hear anything and it was mind numbingly boring. The only reason I ever paid attention in class was because.." Darkstalker cut himself off.

"Because why?" Peacemaker asked. Darkstalker remembered Clearsight, her purple eyes, her beautiful smile.. He could've had the perfect life with her..

"Darky?" Peacemaker asked again, snapping Darkstalker out of thought.

"I only paid attention because a friend did. She was really nice, kind, pretty-" Darkstalker was cut off by Peacemaker.

"Pretty? Ew! Girls are yucky." he said.

"So you're saying your mother is yucky?" Darkstalker said, smiling slyly to Peacemaker.

"Well, uhh.. No.." Peacemaker said. Darkstalker laughed as Peacemaker's wing scales turned a bit pink from embarrassment.

Peacemaker and Darkstalker walked over to the treehouse they've been living in for the past year. Peacemaker climbed the tree as Darkstalker just flew up. Darkstalker had to wait a bit for Peacemaker to climb, but only for a bit.

"You're such a fast climber, Peacemaker," Darkstalker said. "I don't think even I could climb as fast as you." Peacemaker started to blush and his wing scales turned indigo.

"Thanks, Darky.." Peacemaker says as the both of them walk into the treehouse. Darkstalker sees Foeslayer inside, preparing some food. She turns around and says something to Peacemaker.

"It was okay, I guess.. It was pretty boring." Peacemaker says. Foeslayer seemed to chuckle and went back to cooking. Peacemaker walked over to his hammock and sat down. Peacemaker then grabbed a small scroll and began to read.
"What are you reading there, buddy?" Darkstalker said.

"Oh, I'm not reading. Mom wants me to read for a bit every day, then I can go play." Peacemaker said.

"So.. You're only pretending to read?" Darkstalker asked.

"Yep." Peacemaker said, almost proud. Darkstalker walked over and looked over Peacemaker's shoulder. The scroll he was reading was titled 'Adventures of Rock the Scavenger' in bright bold letters. This is what dragonets read now? Darkstalker thought to himself.
After a few minutes, Peacemaker placed the scroll down and ran over to the kitchen table. There, sat a large steak with some fruits beside it. Peacemaker began to inhale his food, before Darkstalker stepped in.
"If you eat that fast you'll get a belly ache. Slow down, buddy." Darkstalker says, kindly.

"I will." Peacemaker said. Foeslayer stands still, as she turns around.
"It's nothing mom. Just talking to myself." Peacemaker said. Foeslayer looked a bit concerned, before going back to reading her scroll. Darkstalker looked at the steak. It had been so long since he'd eaten. Being a ghost, spirit, whatever he was, he didn't need to eat, but yet he desired to once again eat.
"Can I have a bit?" Darkstalker asked. Peacemaker stripped off a bit of the steak and handed it to Darkstalker. The meat phased through Darkstalker's talons. Peacemaker then picked it up and said "Open wide." quietly. Darkstalker opened his mouth and Peacemaker dropped the steak in. It still phased through Darkstalker, but he could still taste the meat.

"Thank you." Darkstalker says with a smile. Foeslayer looked at Peacemaker with a gleam in her eyes.

"I'm not playing with my food!.." Peacemaker said as he went back to eating. "Sorry mom.." Peacemaker said. After Peacemaker finished eating, he waddled over to Foeslayer. "Mom, can I go play? I'll be back in a.. Hour." Peacemaker said. Foeslayer said something, but Peacemaker smiled so she must have said yes. Peacemaker ran out so fast that Darkstalker was dragged along with him.

"Woah, slow down." Darkstalker said. Peacemaker began to climb down the tree.

"Why does mom have to not know about you, Darky?" Peacemaker asked Darkstalker, who was flying beside him.

"Because your mom would probably get mad." Darkstalker said.

"But why?" Peacemaker said. Darkstalker didn't exactly want to tell him. Peacemaker loved Darkstalker, he didn't have the heart to say something like "Oh, I had my father disemboweled himself in front of a bunch of dragons and tried to start a war against NightWings and IceWings that nearly tore apart Pyrrhia".

"That's a question for when you're a little older, okay?" Darkstalker said. Peacemaker sighed, disappointedly, for a bit, before climbing back down the tree.

It took a while before they got to the playground. There, a few dragonets were there with their mothers and fathers. Peacemaker sat in a small sandbox-like area and began to dig in the sand.

"Maybe you should make a sand castle." Darkstalker suggested.

"Nah.. I don't feel like that today. Besides, I just wanted to talk to you." Peacemaker said. Darkstalker sat down beside Peacemaker.

"So, what's going on?" Darkstalker asked.

"Nothing much, just that my teacher told us about something today and I wanted to ask you about it." Peacemaker said. Once Peacemaker finished muttering the sentence, Darkstalker nearly had a heart attack there. This could be the talk he was dreading, the talk where he'd have to explain himself and his actions.
"Go on.." Darkstalker said, hiding his worries.

"The teacher was just talking about this thing called 'hisstory' and she mentioned that we'd be learning about a thing called 'Darkstalker'. Do you know it?" Peacemaker asked.

"No, never heard of it." Darkstalker said, trying to calm himself.

"Oh, okay.. She said it's going to be a big thing since it was a SUPER important thing to happen." Peacemaker continued.

"Oh, that's neat!.." Darkstalker said. "How have you been?" Darkstalker asked, trying to change the topic.

"Good, I guess." Peacemaker said.

"How about we go strawberry picking? You always seemed to like that." Darkstalker said. He knew that Peacemaker loved strawberries, it was the last few things Moon ever said to him after all.

"Sure, which patch should we go too?" Peacemaker asked.

"Hm.. Maybe the royal patch." Darkstalker said.

"No way! If we go in there, Queen Glory or King Deathbringer will kill us!" Peacemaker said, standing up.

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

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