1 | Not Now

699 21 4

Warning: this chapter contains bulgar language


"So, eight, one, two..." We were rehearsing a new dance routine when I noticed a female staff entering the room. I told the girls to take a quick break first, and everyone agreed, except Lisa.

I went outside with the staff to talk. "YG wants your group in his office today, right now." I nodded, as if we had the chance to say no.

"Wait, did something bad happen?" I asked, yet she ignored my question and laughed as if she heard a good joke

I went back inside the room, my members seem to be occupied on their own world, enough not to notice me coming back. I really can't blame them, we're all too tired from practicing all day. I tried to get their attention by turning off the loud music. 

"YG wants us in his office." I started. "Don't bother asking me why." I continued.

Even if I told them that I have no idea what the meeting is about, they are still going to talk about it. "Well, our anniversary is coming soon, right? We might discuss what YG planned for us." she suggested.

"Is that even more important than our comeback? Our blinks are waiting for us." Lisa interrupted. She used her serious tone, which left Chaeng speechless as we left the practice room, and walked through the bright, lighted hallways of the building.

Upon entering his office, YG gave us a different vibe. He greeted us with a huge smile on his face, which was a creepy sight to look at. "I have big news for all of you!" YG started. "So, we won't be releasing your album this year, since I have partnered you up with LHM Entertainment for a six-month project starting in August."

What did I just hear?

"What the hell are you thinking?!" Jennie snapped with a surprised look. Definitely, she's not happy with the news, none of us are. "Actually, this is something we should've expected by now. But congratulations, you really know how to cut people's excitement." Jennie started in a sarcastic tone.

This is definitely one of the news that I do not want to hear. I can't believe this is happening right now. This is ridiculous! I mean, what was the reason this time? A partnership for what? In exchange for our album, for which we waited and polished for years.

"Why can't you just tell us that you hated us since rookies? We've experienced nothing but humiliation every comeback! Every single release and comeback were postponed, our due date for releases always get extended for some reason!" Jennie uttered.

Jennie pointed a finger at YG, before letting out a sarcastic laugh. "We're fucking tired of putting up with this shit! How the hell do you decide this on your own, as if we're not the artists involved?! How can you not bother to ask us, even for our opinions? What kind of CEO are you?!"

I tried to hold Jennie's hand to calm her. "Ni, don't make this worse for us, please. You are not going to make any sense if you continue like this." I begged beside her.

"I am doing this for us!" Jennie replied. I know that she's fighting for our rights, but we can't fight right now. "I know that you hated that idea! It's clear that you wanted to fail us, and I am not going to make it hard for you. I'll resign and break the contract."

"What the fuck are you saying? Stop playing around." Lisa whispered next to us.

I looked around and saw YG, unbothered by what happened. The audacity to act like nothing big is happening right now. "I think you should apologize. It's for the best, Jen."

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