2 | Invitation

385 14 17

Warning: use of strong language, disregard if below 18.

Jennie Kim

June 20 | 11:17 AM

It has been almost a week since we last came back from the company.

Ever since we went home after the incident, we never came back to practice again. I don't know what happened after leaving the room with Lisa. I have no idea why Dae-yon, our manager told us that we are prohibited from entering the company until they told us to.

It was probably because of what happened last week, and because of what I said and how I acted. What if YG wanted to drop everything because of how disrespectful I am to him last week, that it pissed him off, and decided to ban us from being idols, permanently.

Although, my members seem happy to be free from our daily hardcore practices and everything else. To be honest, I am happy as well, for them and myself, because we are not locked inside the same room, doing the same thing over and over again.

But as it gets longer, I can't help but overthink our current situation. It must be my fault, and they have no one else to blame other than me.

After all, I started everything. I was too impulsive, I know that. I shouldn't have brought up my issues with YG that day. Instead of opening more opportunities for us, it did more damage than I thought.

Jisoo was right when she told me to shut up, and I should've done that. I should have listened to her when I got the chance, instead of running my mouth all over the place.

I want to fix everything, I really do because I'm worried for the future of our group. I can't act yet, I don't know anything after bursting out on YG. I don't know where to start, and what to change.

It's almost noon so I stood up from my bed. Throughout the week, I barely went out of my room. The only time I went out is when I have scheduled shoots or when I get something to eat, or if I'm going to take a bath.

I fixed myself first in front of my wall mirror. I made sure that I don't look sick, but to be honest, I haven't been feeling well since that day. I went outside of my room, and walked straight to the kitchen, to cook.

Since I've missing in action, I left all of my responsibilities to them which is wrong as the second oldest person here. And to make it up, I'll be cooking for our lunch today.

I'd make sure to note on my phone that I need to head to the market to buy goods or else there will be nothing to use for to eat. There's little to nothing left inside the fridge. So, I tried to make something up with the last ingredients in it.

It's a good thing that we have a bunch of eggs, and we still have rice to use, and some kimchi. I hope they're craving for kimchi fried rice with fried eggs because that is all I could make right now.

I prepared all of the ingredients before I start cooking when someone screamed beside me, startling me.

"What the hell are you going?" Lisa exclaimed with her hand covering her mouth, acting surprised.

I stared at her confused. "Isn't obvious? How did you go dumb while I was inactive." I stated with sarcasm, rolling my eyes at her.

"Oh, being a concern member makes them, dumb." I heard Lisa whispered to herself. What? Did she literally take that joke, seriously? "Fine, do whatever you want." She answered back.

"Girl, what was that?" I asked but she ignored me. Lisa turned her back at me, spectating the fridge, probably looking for something to eat. "You know that I was joking, Lisa!" I called but she only looked at me, before putting out her phone, typing something on her phone.

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