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I wake up from being cold and hearing people walk through the warehouse doors. It took me a minute to realize we were still doing a challenge and I couldn't leave or I wouldn't win. There wasn't a clock or anything in my room to tell me the time so I asked Jimmy when he came and checked on me.

"Hey (Y/N), good morning how did you sleep?" He stood next to me and Tareq was behind the camera filming.

"Morning, I slept fine thanks. Could you tell me the time by chance?" I rubbed my eyes and my vision became blurry so I kept rubbing them until it was clear again.

"Yeah its 9am, and by the way your hair is messy." Tareq pointed the camera only at me and Jimmy started laughing.

"Jimmy stopppp, please help me with it." I puppy dog pouted at him because that's the only way he would give in.

He helped me with my hair and gave me a hairbrush that they for some reason had in the warehouse. He went to say good morning to everyone else and I tried to straighten my clothes out and not look like a mess for the video.

*time skip* (just like an hour or so)

Jimmy came from down the hall and he was holding platters, I'm guessing with food under them. I could hear him as he kept getting closer and he said,

"Karl has picked breakfast for you guys this morning." Well hopefully he picked something good I'm hungry.

Jimmy went to Chris, then to Karl, and then to me. I was very excited for food and I had a smile on my face. I take the platter from Jimmy and set it on the ground and take the silver dome off. Under was a . . . grape. A single grape, and a knife and fork. Is he joking??

"KARL YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING RIGHT???" I yell towards his room.

"NOPE, WE'RE FINE DINING BABY!" I smiled at his words, he's so stupid but it was adorable.

Jimmy said me and Chris can discuss lunch if we make it there. So hopefully we do and me and Chris agree on something good.

After I was done eating my SINGULAR grape I pulled out the go pro and recorded some stuff since I hadn't recorded anything yet on it. I said how I was kind of annoyed that we only got a grape for breakfast, but me and Chris pick lunch so it'll be good. I told them how I got a beanbag chair and a blanket yesterday. I mentioned how Chris fell asleep before me and Karl and said that wasn't very poggers of him. I also said how me and Karl talked for a little bit last night before we fell asleep but I didn't say what it was about.

When I was done filming some stuff from my POV of the video I heard Jimmy coming down the hall again but Chandler was here. Chandler came into my room and he was holding one end of red tape. He put it on the floor and connected it to my circle, I was very confused but stayed in my circle in case it was a trick. He ran back to Jimmy and came back with the red tape again and it made a path to somewhere. Then I yelled for Jimmy to see what was going on.

"JIMMY?!" I heard him walking towards my room.

"Yes (Y/N)?" I motioned towards the red tape path and he realized why I called him.

"Ohh, its a path so you guys can get up and change rooms if you want too. No jokes or traps or anything." I believed him and I started to gather my stuff.

He called out to us that we had 2 minutes to move and then we are stuck there. I gathered all my stuff in one trip and I left the room, it felt so nice to finally walk somewhere else than that stupid room. I went to Karl's room and I asked if I could stay with him, he said yes. Chris stayed in his room because he said he could do it without us. I argued with him and said he's gonna leave and me and Karl are gonna have fun but he denied coming to the room we were in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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