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     Hi! My name is (Y/N) Tyson and I'm 22 years old, I have a "famous" brother named Chris Tyson. I personally wouldn't call him famous but maybe other people would. Through out this story I will explain how I met the love of my life through my brother. Come on! Lets get started.


     I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing in my ear. It was to wake up for my art school I went to. Key word is went, I just got done with it and now I just enjoy the city and go on fun adventures. I live in Chicago, I just really liked the art schools out here and I met my boyfriend. Well ex boyfriend that is, his name was James and he really messed me up mentally and I wasn't doing great in school. Then he left me, I wasn't too sad about it to be honest. I mean obviously I was sad but on the other side he was mentally abusive so I was kind of glad he left. I could finally start working on me, and my mental health.

Now here I am about half a year later and just finished art school, and I live in a beautiful city. I can do whatever I want basically, I live alone in an apartment in Rodgers Park. Sometimes it gets lonely but other times I'm glad I don't live with anyone because I like being alone most of the time. I tend to be very antisocial some days.

I moved out here about 2 years ago, almost 2 1/2. No one came with me, all my family is back in North Carolina. I would've stayed but I just couldn't, I never felt happy there but maybe its changed and I've definitely changed. My family doesn't really keep in touch with me anymore since I "left without any notice" even though they all knew I was leaving. My brother Chris is the only one who still talks to me. Chris has always been there for me when I needed someone to cry, rant, or yell at just to get it out. He's always been a great brother and I'm so grateful he's still around. I really like his friends too! He has Jimmy and Chandler, they are like best friends ever, they are basically inseparable of each other. Jimmy and Chandler have always been there for me too they are both amazing. Chris actually works for Jimmy, Jimmy runs a YouTube channel its called 'Mrbeast' weird right? I used to watch his videos but I had to stop because they would distract me so much from school.

Chandler and Jimmy are great friends to Chris. If we are being honest I used to have the biggest crush on Chandler but he used to date these girls who all looked the same, they were always popular and almost always ended up breaking his heart. I felt bad for him but he would never date me back then, plus I've gotten over it. I just see him as a friend and that's it. On the other hand there's Jimmy, he's always been super kind and funny. I've always seen him as like an other brother, he's always helped me out when I needed someone and Chris wasn't around or able to talk to me. We were so close and would always hang out, people always thought we were dating. Even when he had a girlfriend that everyone already knew about. It was weird cause he's like a brother to me so it always was awkward when someone said that. Jimmy and Chandler have always been awesome though and they text me from time to time but not always cause they get busy or know I was busy with school.


As I roll over to turn off my alarm I see I have a text message from Chris. I don't open it right away because I'm still trying to wake up enough to know what's going on. The sun was so bright this morning and it was spilling out through my blinds and lighting up my whole room. I rub my eyes and get out of bed. I go to the kitchen and turn on the coffee maker as I head to the bathroom. When I get to the bathroom I brush my teeth and go to the bathroom. I had taken a shower the night before so I decide not to take one this morning.

By the time I'm done in the bathroom my coffee maker decided it's finally ready to start so I pop my k-cup in the Keurig and watch the coffee pour into the glass. I put some creamer in it and an ice cube so it's not too hot. I went back into my room and picked out my outfit for the day. My amazing outstanding outfit choice for today was sweatpants and a random t-shirt because I'm feeling lazy today.

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