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I wake up to the sound of a baby crying. I'm confused at first so I rub my eyes and open them fully. Then I realize I'm not at home and I remember I'm at Chris' house. Well since I'm awake I pull myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom that's attached to the guest room. I brush my teeth, wash my face, then put some makeup on but not much. When I go back into the room I get my outfit off of the top of my suitcase that I set out the night before. I have a *insert top* shirt, for my pants I have *insert favorite pants*, and I have *insert favorite shoes* to complete the outfit. (add anything else if you want).

I went out to the kitchen and saw Chris making breakfast and Katie getting Tucker in a booster seat next to the table.

"Good morning!" I walk over to Tucker and lightly pinch his cheeks.

"Morning (Y/N) I'm making breakfast, do you want anything?" I look over to the stove where Chris is standing and notice he's making pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs.

"If it's not any trouble then yes please." I walk over to the opposite side of the table across from Katie and she begins to speak.

"Good morning (Y/N), did you sleep okay?" she smiled at me and I nodded yes

"Good morning Katie! I slept fine, thank you." I smiled back at her.

A few moments later Chris came to the table with all the food. I took 2 pancakes, a small amount of eggs, and some bacon, I also got some orange juice. After we were all done eating I helped Katie clean up. Chris got a text from Jimmy about going to the warehouse for a challenge they were going to film.

"(Y/N), Jimmy is filming a challenge at the warehouse. Do you want to come with and see everyone?" He said from the table.

"YES! Sorry, umm yeah I guess i'll come with." I said lightly laughing off how I just yelled. Maybe I'm a little too excited.

Me and Chris got our stuff together that we needed and then we went outside and got in the car. On the way there we listened to some music and I explained how happy and excited I am to see everyone again. He mentioned Karl again and I started smiling because I think I'm going to be able to meet him.

"Why are you smiling so much?" He looks over at me and starts laughing.

"Chrissss stop I'm just excited, okay?" I looked at the window because I got embarrassed.

When we got to the warehouse I saw Jimmy standing outside. I took off my seatbelt so fast and ran out of the car and then to Jimmy. I can't believe he's in front of me, he's changed he looks very grown for only being in his 20s.

"JIMMY!! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I hugged him tighter.

"(Y/N) I've missed you so much too!" He hugged me back and laughed.

Then I heard footsteps behind me and a familiar voice begin to speak.

"Oh so you guys started the party without me?" I turn around and see Chandler

"CHANDLER!! I have missed you both so much." I gave Chandler a hug too as Chris walks up to us.

I'm guessing everyone else was in the warehouse because it was just us outside. I wonder what challenge they are doing today.

"Hey Jimmy, what challenge are we doing today?" Chris said as we all walked into the warehouse together. He read my mind.

"I'm going to put you in a room and its a 'Last To Leave Wins $20,000' challenge." We walk into the warehouse and there's sectioned off rooms. I notice there's also someone who I don't recognize but his back is turned to me so maybe I do know him.

Brothers Best Friend ~ Karl Jacobs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now