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troubling words and topics mentioned
and exchanged through  this  chapter.
proceed with caution, even if it effects
you in a minimal way.


                "Downstairs?" I repeat

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                "Downstairs?" I repeat. Staring directly at Carlos, he simply nods, a nervous look on his features. There it is. The icing on my shitty cake.

Clearing my throat, I snicker. Using the hair tie that was on my wrist, I pull my hair into a ponytail, not really attempting to make it look good rather just to pull it away. I felt hot, overwhelmed and it progressively began to feel like the room was getting smaller.

And so I stood up. I could feel each pair of eyes distinctly watching me. Carlos pulled me back by my wrist as soon I took a step with the smallest shake of his head. "Dad told me to keep you up here. He'll handle it,"

"She's a menace, doesn't go away no matter how hard you try," I sigh, swallowing the lump that was in my throat. "It's my problem, not your guys'. She won't go away until she gets what she wants,"

"And if she wants you? What happens then?" Julie asks quickly. Arms folded across her mid, the dampness of her eyes didn't seem to be going away.

"I'll figure it out," I reply back but it didn't seem to ease anyone in the room. I noticed the boys had a specific distaste for my words. "I can manage. Contrary to popular belief, I'd rather be aware of my problems before they bite me in the— butt,"

Julie's head dipped down at this, so did Reggie's, both of which looking entirely guilty and not having the heart to look at me. Alex was running his hands through his hair, a deep sigh leaving his lips. I didn't bother with Luke, a look at him would've added to the tightness in my chest and I refused to give up and cry anymore.

Carlos didn't say anything, rather he adjusted our hands so they were interlaced and stood up. He nodded toward the door, the smallest of smiles appearing on his features. He's coming with me.

Nodding once, I turn toward the door. Moving toward it, Carlos' steps followed behind me.

"Inds," Luke stood in front of the door. He looked like a wreck, red eyed and runny nosed but still, a greater part of me wanted to hold him and make him feel better. Yet, the lesser part knew better, and the lesser part wasn't intending to let go of what happened tonight.

"I can make my own decisions," I mumble, keeping from direct contact to him. He was blocking the way, I couldn't reach the door if I tired so he would have to move on his own. To Carlos, I was staring at the plain whiteness of the door but he didn't question the weirdness behind it, rather he just gave my hand a soft squeeze.

✓ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄; JATPWhere stories live. Discover now