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                    They disappeared

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                    They disappeared. Not only from my view but everyone's. As soon as they took their bows the boys stood up and poof. Them and their instruments were gone from the stage in a flash.

Well this is great.

The murmur of students grew louder by the second. Everyone turning to each other to make sure they saw the same.

"What the—" Flynn mumbles beside me, cutting herself off as she turns to me. "What just happened?"

I look to Julie but she was already facing me. A panicked look on her features not knowing what to do. Crap.

"Holograms!" I blurt, nodding to Flynn but my announcement directly to Julie. "They're obviously holograms,"

"Then how did you—"

"Holograms, yes! Yes, yes they were holograms," Julie interrupts, nodding along as she lets out an awkward chuckle. "Um, I, plugged it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff,"

"But how do you—"

"Huh? I can't hear you, it's too loud!" Making my voice louder than needed, I clap just as obnoxiously and nod to the crowd who was cheering. Flynn pauses, narrowing her eyes before turning back to Julie, definitely not believing my bluff but it was good enough since she wouldn't ask me anymore.

Turning to my right, near the far end of the stage, I see the three boys standing. Talking to one another, Reggie all of a sudden lifts himself on stage and begins to stick out his butt waiting for a reaction.

The only one came from me when I shook my head.

Seemingly spotting me Reggie smiles, waving toward me. Quickly returning the gesture, I put my hand down before Flynn, or anyone else really, noticed. Reggie then quickly clambered down off the stage and back next to Luke and Alex.

"Okay, people, show's over," Principal Lessa brings the attention back to her. Clapping her hands together, she gestures for people to start walking. "Let's get back to class, please,"

As people began to file out of the room, I notice Carrie and one of her friends still in the middle.

"What was that?" Carrie scoffs, mimicking her friend while Reggie comes up beside the girl.

"Hey there. Hi. Reggie," He smiles, attempting to introduce himself as if she could see him. The two girls kept bickering and began to walk away. "Could I maybe call you some time? What's your number?"

As everyone began to clear out of the room, I notice Julie speaking to, who I think is, Mrs. Harrison. Julie looked sad, a small pout on her lips before Principal Lessa interrupts the two. With a few words spoken, happy smiles from the three and Mrs. Harrison giving her a hug, I think it was safe to say Julie was back in the music program.

✓ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄; JATPWhere stories live. Discover now