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                    "Who's Julie?" I ask as Luke stands up

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"Who's Julie?" I ask as Luke stands up. Dropping our hands, he ignores me while he brings Reggie and Alex with him a few feet away. Whispering to each other, I roll my eyes knowing well enough they were talking about me.

"How are we supposed to sneak her in? Julie didn't even want us staying in the studio at first," Luke mumbled, his eyes focused on the two beside him.

"Yeah but she can actually see us, we have to tell Julie," Alex argues. "First we're brought back after 25 years, Julie could see us, we find out people can hear us play, and now this. There has to be a reason for it,"

"She seems nice, I think we should be friends with her," Reggie nods, a smile on his lips causing me to snicker.

"She has a name too by the way," I interrupt, standing up properly and making sure to avoid the shards of glass from the broken bottle.

"Right! Guys we're being rude come on," Reggie tsks, lightly hitting Luke's shoulder. "I'm Reggie,"

"I'm Luke and that's-"

"Alex," He finishes for him, holding up his hand in a small wave which I returned.

"My names Indigo, Indie for short,"

"Like the color?" Reggie questions, throughly asking in a polite way with the other two sending him confused glances. "What? It's a nice shade,"

"Yeah.. like the color," I answer, giving him a small smile once he nods like he was mentally checking in off in his head to remember. "Now that that's covered, can you guys stop acting as if I can't hear you and just talk to me? And someone tell me who Julie is,"

"Julie is the girl who brought us back. I guess her mom moved into our studio after we.. passed over and her family lives there. She's the only person that can see us, well, now her and you are the only people that can see us," Luke explains, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

"Yeah.. slight flaw in your meeting plans. Thanks to you guys I'm still alive remember?" I point out but the boys look at me with a bored glance. "I can't just show up to a girls house, who I don't know, and be seen by her family talking to myself. They'll throw me back in a looney house,"

"Back?" Alex emphasized, eyes widening causing me to laugh.

"Oh calm down, they're not creepy and scary anymore. I went for like a week when I was twelve because my mom said I was a high risk even though she just wanted an excuse to go to Cabo without me," I shrug.

"Dude.. no offense but your mom seems, like, the worst," Reggie blinks, a grimace on his features causing me to laugh.

"No, yeah she's a terrible," I agree, pulling my backpack up from the ground and slinging it over my shoulder. "I'm surprised she hasn't tried selling my kidney for money yet,"

✓ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄; JATPWhere stories live. Discover now