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                 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3...

Ricky Bowen repeated the sequence in his head for the millionth time. Matching the sound of the heart monitor, he fought the urge to drift off and forced himself to watch whatever soap opera that was playing from the hospital network.

With his chair as close to the bed as possible, one of his hands laid atop the mattress, his fingers interlaced with Indigo's. Checking to ensure there was a steady rise and fall from her chest, his eyes blurred from the lack of proper sleep.

It had been six days since the accident. The first night had everyone compiled in the waiting room as it took a near eight hours before Indie's state was in critical, but nonetheless stable, condition and placed in the ICU. The severity of Indie's injuries varied from a broken femur to internal bleeding and head trauma. With this, she had been placed under a medically induced coma to ensure her head trauma wouldn't cause her brain to rupture.

Even with the precautions, Indie had managed to flatline twice since she'd been in the ICU. The first time Ricky was at home, catching up on needed sleep upon staying awake for more than a day but the second, he was in the room when he heard the monitor stop with her body falling into a seizure.

Since then Ricky promised himself that he wouldn't leave Indie's side. He'd be there to see her wake up, that's what he told himself. Even when the nurses and his friends forcibly dragged him out of the room every-so-often to attempt to freshen up and get proper sleep in anything besides a chair, he would come back after a few hours waiting to be by her side and hold her hand.

His eyes glanced around the room. The sun shined brightly from the window, the golden honey color seeping in as it was nearing sunset. Numerous amounts of stuffed animals and balloons filled the corner. Each of their friends had popped in to pay their visits, dropping off a gift for the girl to see once she'd wake up. EJ in particular taking the cake as he came tiptoeing in with a bouquet of balloons, a life size teddy bear, and a handful of smaller stuffies even after Ashlyn's protests to get a simple get-well-soon present.

There was a ping from his phone. Ricky slipping the device from his pocket with his free hand. The notification from Flynn, a picture sent and he felt a faint smile come across his lips.

The single flower that was taped to the front of Indie's locker at school, curtsy of Nini and Carlos, had grown. A countless amount of sticky notes and get-well-soon cards captivated the metal, making the color behind it essentially invisible due to the papers. On the ground, there were small stuffed animals and flower bouquets.

His eyes flickered up to the unconscious girl beside him. Ricky gently squeezed Indie's hand, dropping his phone and stoking a strand of hair from her face with his other.

✓ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄; JATPWhere stories live. Discover now