Interview with @KurosuMiei

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This is the interview of the Gorgeous KurosuMiei  who is the winner of the Historical Fiction genre in the Candy Cane Awards! 

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This is the interview of the Gorgeous KurosuMiei  who is the winner of the Historical Fiction genre in the Candy Cane Awards! 

Camilla: First and foremost, Congratulations! How do you feel about being a winner in Candy Cane awards?

May: Being a winner in this Awards, of course, brings great joy. But more than that, this contest makes me realize that my ability to write is at least acceptable by some standards and that I could be addressed as a member of our beloved writer's community. For that, I'm very grateful.

Camilla: Aww... Tell us something about your book.

May: Blood of Deception is an East-Asian based novel set in romantic history. The characters do portray some of my personal beliefs, especially ideals of love and responsibilities, yet their behaviors (are intended to)/will be acted out accordingly to their essence. I will keep this novel as original as it could be, hopefully as a mind-refresher for readers who enjoy Chinese-inspired or historical fiction.

Camilla: It has cultural diversity which most of us admire. Thanks for sharing the book with us! Now, when and how did you start writing?

May: I first started writing in 2017, I believe, on the same date as my birthday. I had been a vivid online reader on Quotev back then, and in that magical moment, the thought of trying to tell out a tale of my own finally brought me the courage to make it true.

Camilla: That's why we love these magical moments! Do you want to be a professional author?

May: Yes, very much. Though I know I'm far from being one yet, I hope to improve and earn supporters along the way. Without you all out there to support us, we writers are naught but people with talents unwanted.

Camilla: Great! Are you writing under a penname?

May: Kurosu Miei is indeed my (weird/impulsive) pen name. If you'd like to know, my real name is MayEng Tan, or just simply May.

Camilla: Who are your favorite authors? That's both in and out of Wattpad.

May: To be honest, I don't really have much time to read a whole book from Wattpad now, regarding school and my writing schedule and all of that. But there are a few amazing professional authors who had me fallen their writing since the first page. Marie Lu (The Young Elites trilogy), Cassandra Clare (Come on, who doesn't drool over her characters?). And lastly yet most preciously, Jae Jones, the author of Wintersong series. Every, I mean every, of her sentence is like a song woven from poetry and magic.

Camilla: Did they inspire you? If no, then where do you get your inspiration from?

May: Jae Jones definitely inspired me. Her writing is amazing, it touches your heartstrings at the perfect moment with the perfect movement. As for the overall inspiration of Blood of Deception, some simple things we come across in our daily life sometimes can create an idea for me.

Camilla: What do you think is the best thing about Wattpad?

May: In my opinion, the best thing Wattpad has to offer is their boundless readers and writers alike with their respective insight on writing and criticizing. I also appreciate the many Awards contests that give us beginners a ray of hope and happiness in doing what we love.

Camilla: Thank you! What is the one thing you look for when buying or about to read a book?

May: The one thing I'd look for in a book would be...its sophistication, I guess? I don't just mean the overall appearance of the book, but also the plot, world, etc. Instead of drowning hours in a story of war and gores and hoarse languages, a book with a fancy conflict, fancy characters merging with beautiful writing would definitely have me!

Camilla: Is there a particular genre you love to read or write?

May: Historical fiction, fantasy, romance, supernatural, paranormal are the genres of books I own. I prefer historical romance above them all, with a strong, high-stacked conflict revolving around the characters.

Camilla: Tell us one thing that readers do that make you smile.

May: Read. When readers read my work and judge them (however they like or not like it) I can become the next clown of the town! Of course, votes and comments are the love that I'm most grateful for.

Camilla: What things do you like to do in your leisure time? (Besides writing, of course!)

May: When I crash into writer's block, which happens so many times I think I'm being too whimsical, I would emerge in some good books or watch a good drama for me to get back to the story with a (hopefully) broader mind.

Camilla: What is the one thing you love the most in life?

May: One thing I love most in life would be peacefulness and fulfillment of oneself. Competitiveness gives me a headache and, sadly, it is what's best to describe our society now.

Camilla: Any message you want to give to other aspiring authors?

May: The one thing I learned from these few years of writing is that nothing is ever easy. Those books you see featured on your homepage with millions of views and thousands and thousands of votes there? Perhaps we can only imagine what those authors had been through to get there. One thing we can see though, is that they don't give up after receiving the hate and unreasonable criticism from some people. If we want to be like them, let's work twice as hard, devote our creativity twice as much into our beautiful souls and paint them out for the real world to see. I'll be very happy to be a part of your great journey, and I'm more willing to help in any way.

Camilla: Sadly, we've reached the end. And let me assure you that this is just one of the many wins for your book. Good Luck with all of your works!

May: Thank you!  

Camilla: Welcome, May!

Also, head into the next chapter for the exclusive interview of Stats7, who is the winner of the Poetry genre.

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