Interview with @feufeu15

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  1. How do you feel being a winner of the Love Story Awards.

I'm honored because there are so many amazing books entered in this contest, and I'm so humbled to have won. It's always motivating to get some recognition, and of course, it has put a wide smile on my face!

2. Give me a brief summary of your book. Just something to entice the readers;-) 

Well, I always like to use my logline: 'Year 2095, couples are now decided and set by the Marriage Matchmaker application, and any other romantic interaction beside this match is strictly forbidden. So what happens when two people give in to an irresistible and dangerous attraction on an unexpected steamy encounter?'

It's a forbidden love story full of dangers and sexiness, and if you want to find out more, you gotta check it out ;)

3.What inspired you to start writing and when did you begin?

 I started writing stories 2 years ago. Before, I only wrote a few poems or things like that, and there are various things that inspired me. But my main reasons are my mom who always tells me I'm talented (I know, it's not the most objective view!) and the fact that I always struggled to find stories exactly like I wanted, so I decided to write them (just like the quote I use as my profile pic: "If you don't see the book you want on the shelf, write it.")

4. Do you see yourself becoming a professional author ?

That's my biggest dream! But I don't know if I will ever achieve it. For now, writing as a passion is already amazing!

5. Are you writing under a penname?

Yes, here, I use the nickname Mandy, but my real name is Amandine.

6. Who are your favourite authors? Both wattpad and otherwise?

My favorite author is a French writer called Emily Blaine, and on Wattpad, I have a few and I keep discovering more. I'm surely forgetting some, but right now, I'm thinking about some famous like LEPalphreyman, neverfakeit, but also some really talented friends like tale_a_grammer and Alwyn_Knighton , and one that I just discovered recently but I'm obsessed with her fanfic book windowsella

7. Did they inspire you?

Of course! Everything I read is an inspiration! Reading a lot helps with bettering our writing, it's one of the best advice I could ever give.

8. What, personally, do you think sets Wattpad apart from other writing platforms?

I think Wattpad is an unique platform that really connects writers and their readers. I've met so many beautiful people, some that I'm now lucky to call friends, thanks to this platform. It's really interactive, and thanks to the comments, votes, pms..., we can really hear our readers' reviews. Besides, it also allows people to get together in communities like this beautiful awards contest ;)

9. What is number one on your list when looking for a new book to read?

ROMANCE!! I'm a hopeless romantic so I always look for at least a little romance in a story! I also like some sexiness sometimes, but otherwise it depends... It's either the blurb, the title, or as much as I repeat in my first book to 'not judge a book by its cover', the cover because that's of course, the first things we see.

10.Do you have a specific genre you love to write or read?

I think I already answered the question lol. But I can repeat: ROMANCE!!! I'm a lover of love, what can I say?!

11. What is one thing your readers do that light up your day?

Well, any notification I get from my readers lights up my day. That's why I call them my rays of sunshine ;) But of course, some heartfelt pms or comments I get about how my stories have touched them is always melting my heart, and also the ones spamming my notifs with comments and votes because they can't stop reading!

12. Besides writing, what else do you love to do?

I love listening to music, reading of course, and traveling (which for now is complicated). Oh, and I also love cooking! You might guess it because I often include food in my stories!

13. What is the one thing you love most in life?

It's a complicated and deep question... Well, my mom is the one I love the most, and then, if I can add, I'd say my readers and writing ;)

14. Is there any thing you would like to tell any aspiring authors reading this?

I would tell them to go for it!! It doesn't matter if you think you're not good enough, the only way to get better at it is to write and write and write a lot! Remember that you're the only one who can write the story you have inside your heart. And also, don't get too hung up on reads and things like that because it takes time. Focus on your passion, and like I said before, read a lot and write a lot!

Thank you once again for offering your time and work <3

You're welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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