Tel un ange / ☆ As an angel ☆

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Comme le voyage de l'eau

As the travelling water

Coulant le long de la rivière

Streaming down the river

Ton avenir s'est arrêté hier

Yesterday marked your ending future

Mais tu vis désormais dans les flots

But you live therein within the flows

Du temps éternel et intemporel

Of time as timeless and eternal

Ainsi tu es dans notre cœur émotionnel

Now you're in our heart emotional

Accablé par ton absence tel un fardeau

Burdened by your absence as weight

Juste un instant pour faire ton deuil

Just for a bit as to make do with grief

Avant de franchir le pas du seuil

Before overcoming this cut-off

Et aller de l'avant sachant que de là-haut

To move on knowing from high above

Tu veilleras toujours sur nous tel un ange

You'd still watch over us as an angel

Et que bien malgré tout ce qui change

And despite change at every angle

Tu resteras notre guide papa Likalio

You'll stay our guide daddy Likalio


~ • ~
PS: as I'm a bit nostalgic tonight, the pen is all about my melancholy because of all things unsaid that would never be heard by the intended anymore... though here they flow out anyway as they can't help hoping to be seen from somewhere above high... for you, dad... 🖤🤍💛

Drawings And MusingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt