Mold (⚠️)

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A/N: /!\ I don't know anymore if there should be warnings, lol /!\ Please take care of yourselves /!\ 😘
Oh yeah, this one was inspired by a good read I had from Lethe by cookiesadvice and some thoughts from life in general I guess.
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Anyone who would take a step ahead

To get free from higher-ups mindlink

Would end up disappearing instead


Do you know what I think

How a lifeline is just a thread

So fragile that in a blink


I could just drop dead

Maybe I should go see the shrink

He'll find a mold for my head


Then at the bar taking a drink

As I try to recall what he said

All that I remember is the stink


I'd get a good shower and a warm bed

In the Lethe river my brain might sink

As I'd wake with memory loss widespread


Erasing souvenirs like time with old ink

I should have for this doc only dread

As he's the one filling up the clink


But too late all objections to shred

Already everything's all as good as pink

And now I'm hungry for some bread


There's no more place for any kink

Since all of the thoughts have fled

Just an empty glass to fill to the brink


With ripe orange juice like bloody red

Letting go of itchy feelings in a wink

So there's no reason for tears to shed


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