Your little bird (⚠️)

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A/N: /!\ warnings /!\ might be triggering /!\ trudge carefully /!\ please take care of yourselves 😘.
~ • ~


You know about the baby angel

Indeed a child is a gift and a miracle

But don't forget though that this one

Still is also by nature a human


Once the small kid gains some sense

Of what should be good or what is less

Then that's its beckoning awareness

To know right or wrong in its existence


That is why when the naive child

In its progressive growth would find

Its inner demon slowly awakening

From its dormant state since the birthing


As it's always been there sleeping in

Along with its angelic alter ego twin

So don't say it's a lie for that little silly

Impossible to be a disguised evil bully


As no one can know any other being

How it manages the balancing

Of its plus and minus within deep

If all are stable or they took a bad dip


For even if that is your own blood

And you claim to always teach good

There's no guarantee you've been heard

Nor really understood by your little bird


Drawings And MusingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz