Chapter Six

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(Allison's Outfit at the top Minus all the Extras.)

Allison's Point of View.

Ever since Harry's hearing where he learned that he isn't expelled from Hogwarts he has been much happier. 

He's spent a lot of time with Hermione, Ron and me in between all of the house cleaning as well as spending time with Sirius. 

Ever since Harry had arrived Mum has been more lenient with how much we are all told about what is happening in the Order meetings. 

At the moment Harry and I were in my room. I was meditating once again while Harry was reading through my Grimoire. 

We both look up however when we heard my door open. ''Booklists have arrived,'' Ron tells us coming into the room handing Harry and me our letters.

I grab mine thanking Ron before opening it up and reading it over. ''Only two new books,'' I speak up softly. 

Neither, Harry, Ron or I made any movement when Fred and George Apparated in my room well used to it by now. 

''We were just wondering who set the Sinkhard book?'' Fred asks. ''Dumbledore must have found another Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher,'' George tells us.

''About time too,'' Fred tells us. ''What do you mean?'' Harry asks. ''I overheard Mum and Dad talking about it a few weeks back. Vamp hearing and all,'' I tell him. 

''Apparently, Dumbledore has been finding it difficult to find someone to take the job,'' Fred finishes explaining to Harry. 

''Not surprising when you look at it though. Just look back to what happened to the other four,'' George reminds us. 

Harry then lists off what happened to each of our Defence Against Arts Professors since we had started at Hogwarts. ''We see what you mean,'' I tell them smirking. 

''What's up with you Ron?'' Fred asks. When Ron didn't answer we all looked at him in concern. ''Ron?'' I ask. 

''What's wrong?'' Fred asks impatiently moving behind Ron to have look at the parchment. 

Fred's mouth opened in shock. ''Prefect?'' He asks. George's head snapped up and he snatched the piece of Parchment from Ron and took a look at it. 

Both twins took turns making fun of Ron. ''Ron don't listen to them,'' I tell him smiling. Ron just shoved the badge at Harry to have a look just as Hermione came barging in with a Prefects badge in her hand. 

With Harry holding the badge Hermione thought Harry was made Prefect but was surprised to find that it was Ron who was chosen and made her fellow Prefect. 

Mum soon came in and was too shocked to learn that Ron was made Prefect. Once over her shock Mum squealed and coddled Ron. ''I can't believe it, that's everyone in the family,'' Mum says. 

''What are we next-door neighbours?'' the twins asks gesturing between themselves and myself. Mum soon began asking Ron what he would like for a reward as Bill, Charlie and Percy got something as a reward.

Ron ended up asking for a broom. ''Of course, you can. Well, I better get going, if I've got a new broom to buy. While I'm gone pack your trunks,'' Mum says kissing Ron on the cheek before leaving. 

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