Chapter Forty-Three

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Allison's Point of View

Three weeks later, Harry, Hermione and I walked down to the Great Hall together as Ron went down with Lavender.

When we walked in all the tables were gone and instead, there was McGonigal, Snape, Flitwick, Sprout and a small Wizard who I assume is the Ministry apparation official. 

When everyone arrived, he steps forward and speaks up. ''Hello Everyone, my name is Wilkie Twycross, and I will be your Ministry Aparation Instructor,'' he tells us looking over each and every one of us. 

''For the next twelve weeks, I hope to prepare you all for your tests,'' he continues. ''Malfoy be quiet and pay attention,'' McGonigal snaps at Malfoy. 

I turn around with everyone and see Malfoy looking furious and pink in the face. He leans away from Carbe and just looked forward with a scowl on his face. 

''By the end of which, some of you will be ready to take your test,'' Twycross continues as if there was no interruption. I got to admit it is admiring how he stays on task and doesn't let any interruption throw him off. 

''As you may know, it is usually impossible to apparate and disapparate within Hogwarts, The headmaster has lifted this enchantment purely in the Great Hall for this one hour so that you all may practice,'' he tells us. Hermione and I share a look before looking back at the instructor. 

''I would like each of you to now place yourselves in a spot where you have five feet of space around you,'' he tells us. We all do as he says and spread out. 

''Harry where are you going?'' I hear Hermione ask and I turn around and see Harry move so that he was closer to Malfoy who has taken this opportunity to continue his conversation or argument as it looked while everyone was moving. 

I turn back to Hermione and I shake my head. She sighs but nods her head at me. All heads of houses were going around and moving people around. 

''Thank you,'' Twycross calls out to all of us. ''Now,'' he calls grabbing his wand and waving it conjuring old-fashioned wooden hoops. 

I look down and see that there was one at my feet and look over to Hermione and I saw that she had one too. 

''The important things to remember are the three D's,'' he calls out to us clearly. ''Destination, Determination and Deliberation,'' he continues. 

''First step: Fix your mind on the destination, which in this case is the interior of the hoop,'' he tells us. ''Kindly concentrate on that destination now,'' he tells us. 

I close my eyes and picture the inside of my hoop now. ''Step two: Focus your determination to occupy that visualized space,'' he calls out but to me it was faint, but I do as he says. 

''Step three: When I give the command, I want you all to lum, feeling your way in nothingness, moving with deliberation. On my command now,'' he tells us. 

''1,'' I keep picturing the inside of my hoop. ''2,'' I picture myself in the hoop. ''3!'' I do as he said and spin on my feet and I feel myself disapparate. 

When I opened my eyes I saw everyone was looking at me in shock. I look down and find myself inside my hoop. I look back up and see all the professors and Twycross looking at me in awe. 

''Merlin's beard, that is the quickest, I have ever seen someone achieve apparation,'' he speaks up. I blush looking down. ''How did you do that my dear?'' he asks walking forward. ''I have experience with side-along apparation sir,'' I tell him. 

''Instead of looking down at my hoop, I instead closed my eyes and pictured everything in my mind and just let my instincts take over,'' I tell him.

He continues to look at me in awe but nods his head. ''Alright everyone, back into positions,'' he calls out turning around and walking away.

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