Unknown Caller

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It was around 09:50 in the evening and I was going home from work. I've just finished up the stressful and heavy paperworks and was walking down the stairs of the huge building. A few of my officemates were still sitting down their own office and with a cup of coffee on their side.

"Hey, you're going home? Stay safe, man." One of my officemates shouted.

"Yeah, thanks, I'll be going on ahead. You stay safe too." I replied, then continued traversing the steps down. The elevator was under maintenance so I had to walk. The floor below our office was too eerie and quiet. It sent shivers down my spine. After a few minutes, I was out of the building.

I turned to my car. It was under the shade of the yellow streetlight all alone. There was nobody outside but me. Before I opened the door of my car, a message popped up on my phone.


It was from an unknown number. Containing nothing but those two words. This is just a chain message, I receive things like this often, I thought. I dismissed it and slowly drove to the driveway. Streetlights and GPS on my car were my guides on the way home. Then, I got a message again. It was from the same unknown number.

"Please.. I beg you.. my mother has.."

I still didn't care about it. People these days are taking pranks to a higher level. I kept driving home. Then, all of a sudden, my phone rang again, this time, it wasn't because of a message. This time, the number called.

I started to get irritated. I rejected the call. Then, next messages flooded my phone. And as the message opened, my hair started to stand on end.

"Please.. someone is trying to kill us.. my.. my mom's been killed.. please.. please.. I'm hiding.. I'm scared.."

Then, the air inside my car turned colder. I was beginning to feel fear. The number called once again. I was hesitant on answering the phone. But with shivering fingers, I swiped the green icon and then, the next thing I heard made my heart pound harder.

"Help me.. please.. I'm.. hiding.. in a dark corner.. in 23rd street.. and I'm sorry.. .. I escaped from him.. but.. but.. mom didn't.." Sounded the voice of a girl in her late teens, her voice was as low as she could get, she was crying and I could hear through the phone that she's panting.

Then, though my heart was shrouded in fear, my hands twisted the steering wheel and I suddenly turned to the said location. I stared at the time, 10:09PM.

"Wait, I'll call the cops! Don't worry, I'm on my way. Just hide for now." I said, speeding up as fast as I could.

I called the police, and they said they would be checking the mentioned area. I called her again. But this time, my call was rejected. Moments later, a message popped again.

"I can't answer.. he's near.. please... come as fast as you can.."

I speeded up, I was still far away. My heart was beating harder. A crime is about to take place, and I wanted to do something to stop it.

"He.. he's.."

I didn't look at my phone anymore. It's been more than half an hour since I started driving. Just a little further...

"He's got.. mom's.."

A few more turns, I'm almost there. I clenched my teeth and grasped the steering wheel harder. I'm almost there! Almost...

"I can't.. take it.. anymore.. he.. found.."

Then after one last turn, I reached the place. To my surprise, the police were already at the said location. I stared at the time again, 10:57PM. Fear started to rise on me. Sweat started to build up on my body. I moved out my car and ran to the police and asked.

"We didn't make it in time. Man's killed his wife and his daughter along with himself, putting a gun on his mouth. It all happened around fifteen minutes ago." The cop uttered.

After the police officer released the words, my whole body started shaking, my heart was now loudly pounding. Then, as they were taking the bodies out of the area, my phone rang one last time.

"Sorry.. you were too late.. but thank you for trying to help.."

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