Journal from the End of Everything

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·Day 7, November, 2097
Everything suddenly happened and no one ever expected it. I'm shivering right now as I write this down in this small rusted journal. I'm with my wife and two kids and a few people living underneath a cave in who-knows-where. Outside, I see nothing but total chaos – an unstoppable catastrophe. One week ago, the world suddenly changed. Nations brewed war against each other and unexplained calamities occurred in different parts of the globe. I've brought a Bible with me and it seems the words written in the scriptures were true. They weren't lies. There were no lies at all! Yet we were stupid – fools who didn't listen to the truth.

·Day 8, November, 2097
God forgive us. We are now living in the end time and we've sinned. The world has become cruel as can be. The blue skies are now replaced with red and ash. I know I can't be saved anymore. But please, do give a chance for my wife and children. They deserve to be saved from this unsightly chaos. My people are running out of food to eat. Please protect us as we go to the forest tonight. I can't bear to see my family suffering from hunger. Please... guide me and the people who will come with me and let us safely return.

·Day 9, November, 2097
Last night... it was not what I thought I would see. We found a village nearby... but... but help us... the villagers living were cast into flames by what looks like soldiers, no, demons... they were throwing people into a lake of fire. I can't bear to see the cruelty anymore. The cry of people suffering from the agonizing flames as the men of the devil laugh on the witnessed misery... My family can't stay here any longer... we need to get away from the holocaust..

·Day 10, November, 2097
I've taken my family away and we walked in midnight. We left the pact of survivors hiding in the cave and now, we are far away. We've been walking for three hours and my legs are tired, and so are my kids... we can't continue walking in the darkness... please, help us find a safe place to rest...

·Day 12, November, 2097
Lord, I don't know where we are. There's a river nearby and it's been three days since we started trekking the wastelands... we haven't had any food to eat and my wife and children are already weary, so am I... I'm sitting right here under this huge tree, writing this down and my family is sleeping beside me... but even at night, the skies aren't what they used to be... we can't stay in this spot for long. Lord, have pity on us... I'll leave it here... I have to find food...

·Day 14, November, 2097
I've found a new place for us to hide... a small cabin, what it looks to be. I don't know where we are. It's been days and we've been dragging our feet on unknown directions. The cabin seems abandoned, in the middle of nowhere. There's food in here... and to my surprise, a television. I hope this place will let us last... please, protect us dear God. Save my family from this wretched mess.

·Day 16, November, 2097
To my surprise, news channels are still going on in many parts of the globe. I couldn't believe what I saw... a whole country in the west... has been wiped off the map... the war is still going on. Calamities are consistently ravaging all across the world... the end is near... please... spare my family... I can't bear to see their tears anymore...

·Day 19, November, 2097
The ocean... it turned blood. The earth has split up in the west and northern continent, swallowing nations. Cities are burning and people are running, crying out in the small screen in our cabin... genocide... but somehow, we've been protected in this small cabin for quite a few days.. it's as if the dangers are avoiding our hiding place. An angel is protecting us... thank you, dear God.

·Day 30, November, 2097
The television doesn't work anymore. We don't know what's happening outside our little hideout but one thing is for sure... we are safe and protected by the angels of God... no one has ever come near us and even the calamities aren't occurring nearby our safe hiding place. But, the sky isn't blue anymore... it's turned white... blinding to see. A touch of daylight hurts the skin. It's been like this for a while. I can't tell if it's night or day anymore. There's only a white, blinding sky. Maybe everything is already over. Maybe, we have been saved.

·Day 32, December, 2097
My wife, my children... hunger is slowly eating them inside. We can't go outside anymore... the scorching heat cannot be endured any longer. It's killed the trees outside... Our food has almost run out. How long are we going to feel alive, until we're dead? I'm growing weak, I can't take this anymore...

·Day 37, December, 2097
I can't feel anything... my thoughts are blank and my body's slowly becoming numb... my wife, and children... they aren't breathing anymore... I'm sorry I wasn't able to do anything... the sky, the sky is becoming brighter... my eyes are burning, I can't even stare at the ground... there's a loud roar... a sound of trumpets, the heavens have come down... it seems that it's finally over... my struggles are done. God has returned... this is my last account... the names of my family... they must be written in the book of life... the prophecy has been fulfilled... this is my last word...


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