The Mirror Game

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The stillness of the night cloaked Hennie's room as she stared with immense focus at her reflection through the senescent mirror hanging in her bedroom wall. Her gaze unwavering to the disturbing perceptions running on the side of her eyes. She tracked the movements of her mirrored self, then twisted her head at jolting speed to her right. She slowly regained the default position of her head towards the mirror, yet her reflection followed steadily.

"Why does it always follow?" She muttered with irritation stirring on her cheeks. She knew it was silly, but again, she retried.

She cast her focus on the mirror and put everything she's got on her next gesture. Her eyes linked with the 'her' standing in the mirror. Cautious of any unnecessary movement, she made her second attempt. In an unexpected flash, she suddenly twisted her body to the side. She took a small glance at the mirror, but still, it mimicked her every move.

Disappointed, she opened her phone sleeping soundly on the top of the small drawer below the mirror. She stared at her photos. It was only in pictures that she'd see herself not gazing back – unlike the mirror – at her.

"I can outwit myself." The thought ignited a flame in her again.

She closed the phone and then grasped her hands tightly, chanting the words, 'I can do this' like a broken song on repeat. She held her breath, closed her eyes, and then twisted her head as fast as she could to the left. She released her breath and she opened her eyes slowly to her dimly lit room. Holding her gaze still to the left, she thought to herself that maybe this time, she succeeded. She slowly twisted her head to the mirror as her eyes widened by surprise.

Her reflection was still following her actions.

"This is just damn impossible." She sighed in heavy disappointment.

"Why am I being dumb, anyway?" Her hands waved in displeasure as she turned around and trekked towards her bed.

She walked slowly, footsteps tapping on the floor in the cold night. She thought about how dumb she was trying to break the laws of nature, really dumb. Then, a light bulb sparked again. She smirked. From the shower of thoughts that rummaged through Hennie's head, she caught the idea of suddenly turning around – in hopes that she might see her back's reflection.

Like a fierce tigress, she remained desperate, but calm. She waited for what she presumes a perfect timing. Time slowed down, and her focus became like that of a hungry predator ready to pounce on its innocent prey. Thunder knocked on the rooftop, signaling her sudden turn towards the mirror.

Then, in a split second of blinking, her eyes opened to their widest as it caught something otherworldly.

She was staring at her back's reflection. Something she could only see in the pictures of her phone was now visible in front of her. For the first time, her mirror image didn't follow her movements. Her blinks raced in a few seconds and she rubbed her eyeballs. She wasn't dreaming. It didn't turn around and stare at her. It stayed there, frozen in place.

She had won the mirror game.

It felt so vivid, yet surreal. She had done the impossible. She felt a sense of achievement. Quickly as she could, she ran to the phone atop her drawer. She wanted to take a photo of her accomplishment to brag to her friends.

"So this is what my back looks like." She boasted with hilarity as she took a photo.

But her laughter was short-lived. The next thing she saw struck blades of chill down her spine. Her reflection...

...was shaking.

Hennie stared at the mirror with fear and confusion. Her reflection was whimpering, shaking from fear. As Hennie's eyes adjusted, what she saw made the hair on every part of her body stood up to their highest. Someone was with her reflection. She couldn't see the person clearly, but the fear it inflicted made her sweat. Hennie could hear the sound of evil laughter through the mirror. The entity on the mirror pounced on her reflection as it slowly tore her mirror self down to shreds. Blood splattered on the mirror on the other side. And shrill screams of Hennie's voice were audible throughout her room.

She tumbled back as her heart raced and her sweat showered down. She couldn't understand what was happening. Her reflection was being killed, but she couldn't do anything. She was helpless. She could feel her own body shaking. Then, after a few seconds of screams of agony, everything succumbed to the silence. She stared at the mirror as everything went eerie-quiet. Then, her eyes widened as letters started forming by the blood smeared on the mirror, followed by another cackle. Hennie screamed.


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