| Chapter 26 |

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A/N: (d) means drink/beverage. (Please read the author's note at the end, thank you.)


The Horse Chestnuts trees stood tall as a gust of cool wind blew through their branches, causing the leaves to fall off their branches and landing on top of the (c) car beneath them. Almost every tree in Paris almost had few to none leaves on them, getting ready for the winter to come.

Many Parisians were out in coats, jackets, anything that would keep them warm from the cold. They were rushing from store to store, buying all the gifts and supplies they needed for the upcoming holidays. It was a typical thing to do, a hidden rule that many followed from generation to generation. Unless you happened to be the type to not celebrate Christmas or do things under the last minute.

But if you had a very special case, one where your cousin demanded you to follow a certain teenage girl, then you had no time to visit the stores standing before you.

Rosalina sighed, leaning the seat of her car back as she placed the earphone inside her ear. She stared at the ceiling of her (c) car, listening to the conversation Marinette was having with (N). She could hear everything that was going on, despite the audio being a bit muffled.

"This is so wrong," she muttered to herself, closing her eyes.

Sometimes, Rosalina wished that her cousin would do the dirty work instead of sending her to do it. She knew very well that her cousin was doing nothing but sitting their ass off on their couch, enjoying a movie of some sort. But, she had neither the balls or strength to tell that to her face.

That little brat of hers, had her in the palm of their hand.

"Are you and Chat dating?"

Rosalina almost stood up from her seat, she wasn't expecting Marinette to ask that question out of the blue. Then again, her cousin did give her a bad scare when they entered Dupain-Cheng's bakery. That was probably the only time her cousin did any of the work, though she knew they only did it since Marinette already knew how she looked. If she had gone instead, her cousin's plan would be ruined.

Rosalina pulled her (c) laptop out of the black bag case, opening it up as she accessed the security camera of the bakery they were in. She flipped through each camera until she found Marinette on top of (N) with barely any space between them. She squealed and closed the laptop, as if she was a young teen who discovered something inappropriate on the internet.

"I can't do this," Rosalina sighed as she covered her face with her hands.

The pink cellphone lying inside the cupholder vibrated, tuning an adorably cute ringtone throughout the car. Rosalina frowned as she read the name off of her cellphone, she hesitated to pick it up before answering it. She slid her finger across the green call button, mounting it onto her phone holder as she opened up the laptop once again.

"Dammi un momento, per favore," She said as she typed her password in and turned the speaker on.

A/N: Give me a moment, please

The line stayed quiet, an eerie sound Rosalina grew to hate every time they called her. She wished they would say something or allow some music to play in the background rather than sitting in silence. She knew her cousin wasn't normal, from the very beginning of her birth, but she expected them to act like it. It would make work a bit easier for her, than constantly wondering if her cousin was watching her behind the shadows.

"Hai finito?" Her cousin spoke, the sound of their voice wavering.

A/N: Are you done?

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