| Chapter 19 |

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"Isn't this great?" Juliet asked, clinging onto (n) and Adrien. She locked her arms in between them, holding them both close to her with a huge smile on her face.

Marinette forced a smile, she was very uncomfortable with the way Juliet was holding (n) and Adrien, almost jealous. But, she couldn't show her distaste towards Juliet to (n) since Juliet is her friend and she doesn't want to stir up drama again. Instead, she forced a good smile and a laughing fit to please her friend.

"It's more than great!" (N) grinned, pulling Marinette to the group hug. "I've got two, great, friends with me now!"

Marinette blushed at (n)'s words, moving a strand of her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. She muttered a few words that only (n) could hear. (N) chuckled lowly, whispering into Marinette's ear and teasing her a bit. She shook her head laughing, her cheeks becoming more flush than ever.

Juliet raised a brow, wondering what you and Marinette were talking about. She wanted to join in on the fun, instead of being left out and thrown away like trash. It made her blood boil a bit, she wasn't used to sharing you with other people.

"Ow!" Adrien hissed, glaring down at Juliet. She had tightened her grip on Adrien's arm tighter than usual.

Juliet looked at Adrien's arm and apologized, unwinding her arms within his. Adrien massaged his arm, studying the brunette beside him. He wasn't a pro at it, but he could clearly see how dishearten Juliet was, and could feel her envy within seconds.

He turned his head to the side, watching (n) and Marinette chatter up a storm. The two seemed to be in their own world, acknowledging themselves only. In a way, Adrien felt left out, that's when it hit him. Juliet felt the same way Adrien did, and since Juliet hasn't seen (n) for so long, she can't help but wonder if (n) prefers Marinette more than herself.

He chuckled to himself, shaking his head as Juliet crossed her arms. She was glaring at the pair, her beautiful grey eyes glistening with a venomous spice. She fiddled with her fingers, tapping the side of her arms, waiting for (n) to end her conversation with Marinette. If she wasn't so clingy and annoying, Adrien would think she was being cute.

"Calm down," he whispered.

Juliet rolled her eyes at the blonde, she was calm and she knew it. The problem was that (n) paid attention to Marinette more than she's supposed to. After all, it's been almost a year or so since the last time (n) saw her. You'd think she'd devote her attention towards the person she missed for so long.

"I'll see you in class, okay?" Marinette smiled, waving her hand at (n) and Adrien.

(N) giggled, nodding her head as Marinette walked up to Alya. Juliet heaved a sigh of relief, she didn't know what she'd do if Marinette continued to steal (n) away.

Juliet quickly grasped (n)'s arms again, smiling. She asked (n) (and Adrien) if they wanted to go buy a snack from the cafeteria. Adrien didn't want to spend time with Juliet at all, so he decided to sit this one out and go with Nino. (N) frowned slightly, but understood why Adrien wanted to spend more time with his guy friend.

Juliet's smile grew wider, she was happy to have (n) all to herself. She tugged on (n)'s arm and led her to the cafeteria, asking a few questions about Paris. She wanted to know everything that (n) done ever since she moved here.

"That's so cool!" Juliet beamed, waiting in line to order something. (N) nodded her head, standing by her side.

(N) didn't think the bakery her parents owned was as cool as Juliet was making it out to be. She thought it was pretty neat, especially with how talented her parents are. But, I suppose if you're Juliet then it was probably the coolest thing anyone has ever seen.

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