Protective Aunt pt. 2

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It was Christmas eve and Seiryu was still acting strange. Now being positive that it had to be her having a boyfriend Ryukyu stayed quiet about the situation until Seiryu was comfortable to tell her about her boyfriend. Though it seemed that the relationship was going to the next level as Ryukyu came home from grocery shopping she could smell the scent of homemade cookies in the air.

Walking towards the kitchen she freezes seeing Seiryu baking with an abundance of cookies with the shapes of Santa clauses, reindeer and most importantly hearts! Ryukyu could feel her soul leaving her body 'She's already at the level of baking cookies for him.. I can't wait anymore. I need to know who she's dating and if he's treating her right!' taking a deep breath Ryukyu comes into the kitchen as Seiryu was pulling out a second tray of cookies and Zippy eating one of the cookies that have been cooling. Seiryu jumps a little seeing her aunt "Oh hi auntie. I didn't hear you come in. I hope you don't mind, I wanted to bake some cookies."

Ryukyu gives a smile "It's alright Seiryu. Who are you baking these for?" the question resulted in a giggle from her niece "That's a secret you'll find out tomorrow." she places a finger up against her lips. "I see." Ryukyu replies by putting the groceries into the fridge thinking 'Oh, no! I'm going to meet him tomorrow! I can't believe it! I should make myself look presentable!'

"You sure are baking a lot of cookies there sweetie. You sure these will be enough?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sure. I've been wanting to bake something for them for awhile and Christmas seemed like a perfect occasion." Seiryu then notices Zippy eating a few more cookies "Zippy! Don't you dare eat them all!" Zippy gives a little growl annoyed before spitting out one of the cookies he had in his mouth.

"Ew. Okay, that one you can eat. But that's your last one."

While Seiryu was talking to Zippy Ryukyu felt like she was going to faint. 'Wanting to bake for him for awhile! How long is a while?!'

Seiryu turns back to her aunt "Auntie are you okay? You don't look well, do you need to lay down?" Ryukyu jolts a bit, replying "No. Don't worry honey I'm fine. If you need me I'll be in the living room." she stands up and shakily walks out of the kitchen and to the living room sitting on the couch. Seiryu smiles before her peripheral vision sees Zippy trying to eat another cookie! Her hair turns spikey as she shouts "Zippy I told you not to eat the rest of the cookies!"

~*~* The next morning~*~*

Ryukyu got up and dressed herself up formally to meet the boyfriend her niece was dating. "Auntie! I'll be back soon!" she hears Seiryu call from the doorway "Okay, I'll be here sweetie!" she calls back hearing the door close after indicating that her niece left. Quickly Ryukyu started to clean up the house to make it look nice if Seiryu was going out to bring her boyfriend home then it had to look nice as possible!

An hour later Ryukyu panted heavily sitting on the couch and finally done cleaning. "This should do well." she says in between pants until hearing the door knock "Auntie I'm back and I brought you something." she hears her niece say while also hearing the door opening.

"Okay, I'm in the living room Seiryu."

Once the door closed she could hear the footsteps of Seiryu but nobody else. 'That's strange is he waiting outside?' she thinks to herself getting up from the couch she walks over to the entrance of the living room seeing Seiryu "Hey auntie. Sorry it took so long." she smiled that adorable smile "It's okay sweetheart. So where's the surprise you were talking about yesterday?" she asks, receiving a giggle from Seiryu "close your eyes."

"Alright." Ryukyu respondes closing her eyes mind racing 'Here it comes! She's going to bring her boyfriend in, try not to be intimidating. I'm sure he's super nice.'

"Okay. Now open!"

Ryukyu opens her eyes seeing a bag of cookies in Seiryu's hands along with a card "Merry Christmas auntie Ryukyu!" Ryukyu felt like stone hearing that there was no boyfriend "So.. t-there's no boyfriend.."

"Boyfriend! Auntie what are you talking about?!"

After some explaining that the cookies were for her friends and so were the letters that weren't love letters but Christmas card letters. The two were eating some of the cookies with milk. Seiryu still laughing a bit "Auntie if you thought I had a boyfriend why didn't you just ask me?"

"I was afraid you'd get mad at me if you did. But I'm glad that I know now that you don't, not saying I don't want you to have a boyfriend just let me know before you come home next time."

"Don't worry I will." Seiryu reaches for another cookie, taking a bite and giving the other half to Zippy who was sitting on her shoulder. "So is there a boy that you like honey?" Ryukyu asks

Resulting in Seiryu's face becoming red "huh! N-N-No I don't!"

"Oh come on, Seiryu, your blushing, it's obvious you do. Don't worry I won't tell anyone."

"I just told you I don't! Stop asking Auntie!" 

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