First visit to Hogsmeade

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After a few minutes you ask the other three

"Why isn't anyone going to classes yet"

"Today we're going to Hogsmeade" Hermione responded

"The Dursleys wouldn't sign my paper so guess I'll stay here alone" Harry mentioned

"Harry I could keep you company here." You say to Harry

It wasn't long till everyone left and it was only Harry and you. You walked around the school with Harry. You two went to the balcony on one of the dorms looking at clouds and pointing out the different ones.

"Thanks for staying with me you really didn't have to" Harry said

"After this morning it's the least I could do." You reply

While are sitting you noticed Harry admiring you. You turn to him. He moves closer to you. You notice it greenish blue eyes. His hands slowly move to your face and pulled you closer to his face you put your up to the back of his neck. Your lips touch for a few seconds. You both pull away and open your eyes again. You two laugh it off.

"Are we... official" He asks

"Official" you say

He stands up and points at the outside side of the castle.

"There is something on the castle roof" He says

"What is it"

"It looks like some sort of book" He responds

"Do you think it's the one" You ask

"Mabye but the others will come back soon so we should get it later"

You both run down to the hallways where the other students to be. You say Ron and Hermione thru the crowd.

"Hello your back" Harry says

(This was more fluff than I thought it would be)

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