Chapter Nine

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You pulled into your gravel driveway. The radio was whispering Willie Nelson as Trevor dozed off. You didn't blame him; the drive time was the perfect window to nap. However, all good things had to come to an end. You tapped his shoulder, and when he didn't stir, you gently shook it until slowly began blinking and looking around. 

"Shit, I didn't even realize we were here already," he grunted as he got out of the truck. You passed him and unlocked your trailer, holding the door open for him as he crept in. "I haven't been in here since I helped you move all this in. You've certainly spruced up the place."

"Yeah, well, those are the skill sets I get for being a bed and breakfast maid in bum-fuck Egypt for the past umpteen years," you sighed, letting the vanilla-scented air fresheners fill your nostrils as you inhaled. 

Trevor went and sat on the couch. "Where's the TV?" 

Your eyes widened as you realized the insinuation that could be brought with the TV situation, especially with a guy like Trevor. I  really didn't think this over, huh?  "Well, it's in there. I've found that beds are just couches with built-in footrests," you improvised, hoping it sounded plausible enough for somebody on a meth low to believe. 

"I'll drink to that." He hoisted himself up, strode into your bedroom, and made himself at home under the blankets. 

You tossed him the remote and said, "I'm gonna order some pizza. You can pick out the movie. I only have Hulu on there, though."

"Not anymore, you don't..." you heard Trevor mutter as you opened UberEats and got a 14-inch cheese pizza. 

Once you were finished with the task at hand, you asked him, "What do you mean, 'not anymore, I don't'?" as you plopped down next to him plugging in a Netflix password. Holy shit, that's gotta be at least 30 characters...

"My buddy pal Moe-Lester siphons the highest tier accounts," he said as he hit ENTER. " Saves me a whopping $14 a month. The passwords are stupid as hell, though. The man thinks I can remember a password like 1-2-3-4-5-6-A-lowercase B-C-dollar sign that repeats over and over again? I just keep it all in my notes app." He raised a fist in gloomy triumph as the home screen became available. 

"Hold on... are you talking about Lester the tech guy?" you asked with suspicion, recalling the encounter you'd had with cameras in Franklin's house.

"Yep. Dude's creepy as fuck, but he's a goddamned genius."

"I've never hated a person whose face I've never seen as much as Lester," you huffed in contempt. Trever gave you a side glance of half-surprise, half-amusement. At least somebody finds something amusing out of all this. "He planted cameras in Franklin's guest bathroom and watched me shower."

"Classic Lester," Trevor sighed. It was obvious he was trying to hold in a laugh. Eventually, he gave up and began cackling while slapping his leg. "Oh, Christ, that's a new low for him, and he's sunk pretty low."

"Glad to know I'm the lowest of the low," you said dryly, letting a small smile escape your lips while lightly chuckling. 

Oh, that's not what I meant!" Trevor quickly became defensive. "I meant... I meant... oh, you know what I meant!"

"Take it easy. I know," you reassured him. "What sounds good to you? Tiger King? Orange is the New Black?"

"Tiger King," he agreed. Right as you were about to press PLAY, your phone began to buzz. You picked it up and saw Gabi was wanting to Facetime you. "Take it."

"Oh my Goddddddd-uh! Hey!" Gabi squealed, giving you an enthusiastic wave. "You'll never guess who I bumped into."

"Who'd you see?" you asked, hoping she wouldn't say something like 'your ex'.

Rest, Weary Traveller | GTA V Fanfic [Trevor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now