maandag - 8.10am

72 3 0

I was casually walking in school to go to my science class when I saw, pinned on the wall, the inscription sheet for the choir. I couldn't help myself and read the sheet until I saw Jens's application : Jens Stoffels.
I fastly went to seat in the room, trying to find him on Instagram again, and finally ended up finding his account, @jensrolt. He posted two pictures recently, one of a street and the other with a girl, with the caption "here we go again". His other postes leaded my to a YouTube channel that he was apparently rulling with his friends, named The Broerrrrs. I started watching their last video before Isa went sitting next to me.
- What are you watching ? she said with a little laugh, noticing that I abruptly closed my computer.
- Nothing, just YouTube.
- I saw this guy, Jens, on the video. Do you know him ?
- I talked to him when you were at the choir. Do you know him ?
- You were flirting with Jens while Engel was looking for you everywhere ? I'll remember that, Luc.
- Shut up, I am not gay. How do tou know him ?
- Olivia told me about him. He moved from Netherlands this year.
- Are him and Olivia, like, a thing ?
- Oh, she wish. Unfortunately, he already have a girlfriend, she is named Ana or something like that.
- Oh, ok.
Jens was having a girlfriend ? He didn't told me that. Well, I didn't knew him well.
- Stop talking, interrupted the teacher, the class is starting.

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