[1.1] THEN

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2 Princes and A girl

"Take it out, Kerakanji," my mother hushed gently, tugging at my hand whose thumb I had been sucking on for the last 10 minutes.

My hand fell uselessly to my side as I let out an irritated huff.

That was the third time she was pulling it out, but I couldn't help it.

I was nervous and unfortunately sucking my chubby thumb helped me cope with being in this large room that seemed to swallow me whole.

I looked up at my mother, blinking a few times to clear my vision. She looked down at me, sending me her usual bright sunny smile.

My eyebrows drew together as I sucked in her attire.

Her hair was worn differently than usual as was her outfit. My mother loved bright colors but today she wore a plain gray suit and instead of leaving her hair her usual fuzzy and curly like mine, she straightened it out and tied it up in a tight bun.

My fingers tinkled as I felt hers encircle them.

"You'll be fine, princess. Just remember, chin up and shoulders back," she whispered lowly as if there was someone else in the room.

Nevertheless, I straightened myself trying to match her posture, realizing that I probably looked uncomfortable as no 6-year-old could have perfect posture. However, that didn't stop me from trying and chewing the inside of my cheek while at it.

Hours seemed to pass by in this position but when I looked at the large varnished grandfather clock in the corner, I was about to collapse when I saw it had barely been five minutes.

I tugged at my mother's hand ready to complain about how slow time was moving and how I would much rather be at school, playing with my classmates, than in this rather large house.

She looked down at me but before she could say something the large oak double doors opened, causing her to immediately straighten her posture, tugging at my hand involuntarily as a man walked in, suited and smart, his hair combed to one side.

The wrong side because I was sure it would look better to the right.

He stopped by the door and bowed.

"His majesty, King William the 7th." He called loudly as if he wasn't two feet away, his tone posh.

My eyebrows furrowed as another suited man walked in. He was very much different than the first, sporting a casual stance as he strolled in, different from what I thought any king would look like.

There certainly was not a crown on his head and he looked quite ordinary to me, minus the suit—nope, that looked like the beautiful princess dresses Mom tells me to never touch, or else she would confiscate my glitter box.


He looked up, slipping his phone into his pants pocket, a large grin displayed on his handsome face, his short dark hair neatly trimmed this time in the right direction.

"Elise," he smiled as he moved toward my mother and me.

My mother tugged me gently as she did what seemed like an uncomfortable bow, one she had taught me to do last night, but felt so strange to my chubby legs.

Nevertheless, I followed her lead.

"Your majesty," she replied as we were doing our funny bows.

"Come on Elise, it's William," he urged, engulfing her in a hug, one I noticed she didn't expect as it took her a second to hug him back. A faltering smile formed on her face.

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