[4.1] NOW

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A King and an old Friend

Archer was different than I remembered.

His dark curly locks were shorter than the picture in the magazine, indicating he had just trimmed.

They fell in shorter strands, perfecting his face.

He had grown taller too, and his jawline was much more defined but, he retained those piercing diabolical blue eyes that kept my panic only a breath away, my heart a tumbleweed inside my chest.

The warmth in his gaze was missing but I wasn't too surprised about that. It had left before I ever did. However, the darkness seemed to have grown on him, or in him, I couldn't quite tell.

Trapped in his cold icy stare, with no recognition of the young prince that I had once been so close to, I couldn't help but feel little.

He certainly looked like the King he was now.

Much like his father, Archer didn't need to have a crown on his head to look like he played the part. His expensive uniquely tailored suit, the gold watch on his wrist, and the air of authority in his dry aura were enough.

Perhaps unlike his father, there was no smile to adorn the greeting of seeing an old friend.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him as his stale gaze drank me in from the bottom up, lingering on my face.

I couldn't help the embarrassed heat that traveled to my cheeks. I could picture what he was seeing. Even after 5 years, my hair was still an untamable wildfire.

My cheeks were puffed, and I just knew my eyes had reddened since I had fallen asleep courtesy of the RSS, and good God, my skin!

My eyes dropped to the floor.

I had a breakout only a week ago, it only just started healing. I stood there looking like I was taken off the streets, and to be fair, I was more like abducted off the streets, while he stood there with clear porcelain skin-

I cleared my throat, straightened my dress, and gathered up the courage, trying to put a bit more confidence in my shaky breath, "w-what am I doing here?"

Silence loomed between us in response. His eyes remained steadfast on my face as if he hadn't heard a word I had said. I felt so self-conscious as his eyes drew me in.

"Archer -"

"King Archer." He corrected, eyes finally meeting mine.
He stood upright with perfect posture, his tone an intimidating blur.

I gulped at this. King. He was letting me know his rank.

We were not the people we once were. I was not the person I had been for him. He was making it clear as he had five years ago.

I clenched my jaw burying the hurt feeling growing within me, bowing lowly instead, the way my mom taught me to do.

"Your majesty." My eyes swept up to meet his, and he held my gaze, his jaw ticking slightly.

When I spoke again I disposed of all familiarity.

It was clear he was making a point of his status, and I would make a point of my own.

"As much as I am humbled to be brought here, I do not know why I was summoned so inhumanely and I do not wish to stay here a further second."

His eyes narrowed on me, probably sensing my tone.
2 could play his game, and we could play it quite well.

"The RSS informed me of your failure to comply and the measures they had to take to ensure you did. You were informed fairly and yet you chose to run."

"Unless I am a fugitive, I believe I have the right to refuse even the Crown's invitation." I countered bravely.

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