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A Royal Kidnapping

  "No! Of course, I haven't left it. It's a passport Ana, and we're going to the airport, I'm not stupid," I huffed, balancing the phone between my ear and shoulder as I tugged my heavy suitcase down the stairs,

I rolled my eyes at her baseless worries.

"God, Anna," I grunted, as I heaved it down another step, " Will you stop being such a worry wort?"

  "I can't help it Kera," she whined over the phone, "I can't believe we're doing this, finally leaving this godforsaken country," she sighed.

  I chuckled at this, finally managing to pull my suitcase to base, sighing as I pushed my wild locks from my face.

"Many would call Ashen the land of dreams," I mocked, pulling the suitcase to my front door, "it's only the richest country in the world."

  "Tell that to my flat ass."

  "Annalise!" I gasped over the phone.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry Kera. I forgot you grew up with royalty, thou highness who never curses," she mocked over the phone.

  "That part of my life is long behind me, you know that," I huffed, rolling my eyes as I pushed the front door open. My eyes adjusted to the sun setting on a yellow cab parked out front, my mother in a deep conversation with the cab driver.

  "I know, I know. You don't like talking about it," Ana sighed, "god knows you need to-"

  "On the contrary," I huffed, "I will never need to even look at another article on the royal family the moment my ass is on that plane," I snapped back.

I let out a good breath, watching my mom talk, "Cabs already here Ana, I'll send you his details for safety measures of course, and then we will meet at the airport."

  "Kera c'mon, you know I didn't mean-" she whined as I cut the call with a hard breath, shutting my eyes to regain composure.

It lasted a moment before I dragged my suitcase toward the cab, handing it to the cab driver.

  I turned back to my mother.

  She stood in our driveway, her wild kinky locks a direct imitation of mine, still dressed in her morning bathrobe, and flip-flops. Her face looked bright but I could still see the sadness in her eyes, one that had never left since He died.

  I let out a shallow breath as she opened her arms for me with a small smile. Shaking my head but keeping up a smile of my own, I waddled into it, taking in her full scent.

  Seems like she was fresh out of the shower.

  Her fingers latched onto my thick tangly locks as she stroked my hair,  a chuckle rumbling through her body and echoing through mine.

"You're never going to tame these, are you?" She huffed.

  I rolled my eyes but still with a silly smile on, "You know my hair is as untamable as a wildfire," I grinned.

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