Life Changes

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Another day in Seattle meant another rainy day, no surprise there. It was pouring outside as Lexie pulled her coat tighter around her, trying to avoid puddles as she walked into the hospital.

She was late, in more ways than one. She slept through her alarm, racing to get ready when she finally did wake up.

She entered the hospital, shaking her hair out as she headed to the locker room. The room was silent as she took a seat on one of the benches, shimmering out of her coat as the rain dripped off of it.

“Ugh, that’s just great,” Lexie groaned, feeling her wet clothes sticking to her. She reached into the pocket, taking out the pregnancy test she had taken that morning before placing it inside of the locker.

She couldn’t believe it, she was pregnant. It had been a huge shock to her even though it really shouldn’t have been. She and Mark went at each other like rabbits on an endless loop right up until he had died.

A car accident had shattered their dreams just a few weeks ago. Everything Lexie had envisioned for them was now just that. A vision.

She stuffed the rest of her belongings into her locker before heading down to the ER.

“Grey, you finally decided to join us?” Bailey chided. Lexie rolled her eyes before responding.

“Good morning to you too Dr. Bailey, where do you want me?” Lexie asked.

“You can help Kepner in here.” Bailey said, handing Lexie a clipboard.

“Alright, first patient,” Lexie muttered, heading over to the third bed. “Tristan Compton. Hi, my name is Lexie Grey and I’ll be your doctor today,” Lexie smiled, pulling the curtain around. “It says here you’re experiencing some abdominal pain?”

“Yeah, it hurts when I breathe.” Tristan said.

“Okay, let’s take a look, can you pull your shirt up?” Lexie asked, watching as he lifted his shirt. “First, I’m going to just listen, okay?” Lexie whispered, taking her stethoscope off from around her neck. She put it against his chest and listened then spoke. “Alright, everything sounds normal,” she smiled.

“You know, you got pretty eyes, darlin’,”  Tristan smiled, making Lexie blush slightly.

“Thanks,” Lexie said politely.

“You have a boyfriend?”

“Uh, no, he died recently,” Lexie whispered. She didn’t want to think about Mark especially while she was at work. “Okay, let me know if this hurts, I’m going to push down on your stomach, okay?”

“Any guy would be lucky to have you,” he said, smirking. “What are you doing this Friday?”

“Um, probably working. Now, does this hurt?” Lexie asked, pushing down. Tristan winced, making Lexie pull away. “On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?”

“Eight or nine. It hurts bad,” Tristan said, groaning slightly.

“Okay, well, your bloodwork looks fine. I’m going to send you up for a CT scan just to rule out anything we might not be seeing and I’ll order you some pain meds. Just sit tight, alright?” Lexie smiled, pulling her gloves off.

She walked away, back up to the desk. “Okay, lets put in a order for a CT for bed three and put in an order for pain meds.”

“He’s flirting with you,” Meredith smiled. “He’s pretty cute.”

“Shut up, Mer,” Lexie growled. “Mark has barely been in the ground, I don’t plan on jumping into another relationship right away.”

“You could at least get his phone number, for future reference.” Meredith laughed. “Hey, do you want to come over for dinner? Derek is making cheesy casserole.”

A Long Way Home - Greys Anatomy/Law And Order Svu CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now