I Want To Tell You- But I Can't

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She was sore, her whole body was screaming in pain as she turned over in the bed. Her first beating had just ended and she didn't even know why it happened. She didn't think she disobeyed Lewis in any way.

"Get up," Lewis instructed as he came into the room. Tears leaked out of Lexie's eyes at the thought of trying to move but slowly she sat up, pushing her hair out of her face as she did. "I'm allowing you to call your sister but you will not mention any of this or your pregnancy. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," Lexie whispered, taking the cell phone out of his hand. She dialed, waiting as it rang and she prayed to whatever was out there that Meredith would pick up.

"Hello?" The soft voice of her sister said, making Lexie's eyes tear up.

"Mer?" Lexie whispered.

"Lexie? Is that you? Oh my God, where are you?" Meredith rambled.

"I'm at the beach, it's gorgeous here." Lexie paused. "I just needed to get away for a while. I'm not sure when I'll be back. Mark is here with me, he didn't want me to be alone."

"Well, I'm glad its nice, Lex. I miss you, we all miss you." Meredith paused. "I just hope you come home soon."

"Yeah," Lexie whispered, her voice cracking. "I really hope so, too." She looked over, seeing Lewis motioning to wrap the conversation up before she would reveal too much. "I have to go but tell everyone I said hi and Mer, I love you...so much."

"I will and I love you, too." Lexie closed the phone, handing it back to Lewis before he left the room. She was grateful she had gotten to talk to her sister but she wished she didn't have to lie. She didn't know if Meredith had gotten the hint but at least her sister knew she was alive....for now.


"She hung up," Meredith whispered.

"Did she say anything?" Olivia asked. "He probably used a burner phone so we can't trace it."

"What's a burner phone?" Meredith asked as Derek wrapped his arm around her.

"It's a phone that someone uses one time and then gets rid of it, they're untraceable." Olivia explained.

Meredith nodded her head in understanding. "Um, she said she's on vacation with Mark."

"Who's Mark?" Elliot asked.

"Her boyfriend, but he died." Meredith whispered, turning to look at Derek.

"That was probably a signal, she was trying to tell you she didn't leave voluntarily." Olivia whispered, seeing the look of defeat in Meredith's eyes.

"I know, I wanted her to tell me the truth. Give me any clue to where she was." Meredith whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"She couldn't, not if he was standing there." Olivia said softly. Meredith shook her head, pulling away from Derek.

"I'm going to the hospital, I can't be here. I...I can't do this," Meredith whispered, pulling her coat on before leaving the house. She drove to the hospital, the conversation replaying in her head like a horror film stuck on repeat. She felt like a zombie, watching everything happen around her as she walked into the hospital.

"Hey, any word?" April asked, walking up to Meredith.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from me?" Meredith growled. The last person she wanted to deal with was April Kepner.

"I'm sorry, Meredith, but I care and I know I messed up but I'm worried about her. We all are." April whispered.

Meredith sighed. "She called me this morning, coming up with some story that she was on vacation because she isn't allowed to tell me where she actually is. She said Mark was with her, which is her way of saying she's in trouble." Meredith paused. "I don't know, April, I just can't do this anymore. I need a surgery, something to take my mind off of this."

"Well, there is a 24 year old, broken arm, massive internal injuries going into OR 3. Wanna scrub in?" April smiled slightly.

"Sure, thanks," Meredith nodded, walking away.


She was standing over the patient, getting frustrated. Just when she got one bleeder to stop, more started.

"This girl is a mess," Meredith muttered. "What happened to her?"

Callie and Bailey looked at each other, obviously no one had told her and they dreaded being the first. "Um, Kepner didn't tell you?"

"No, she didn't give me the back story, why?" Meredith asked, clearly confused.

"This girl," Miranda started, "she was kept in a basement. The guy kidnapped her and held her captive for months." They both watched for Meredith's reaction, watching as her hands began to shake and her breathing intensified. "Meredith, I'll take over,"  Miranda whispered, reaching over to take the scalpel out of the blondes hand.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Meredith whispered to no one in particular. Owen walked around the table, wrapping his arm around Meredith.

"Okay, let's get you out of here," he whispered, gently guiding her out. Once they got out of the OR, Owen found a chair, gently lowering Meredith down as she continued to shake.

"I can't breathe," Meredith muttered, struggling to catch her breath. Owen was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

"I'm going to page Alex, alright?" Owen whispered, knowing she needed Alex right now. Alex was in the NICU when he received the page, it didn't say much leaving him confused as he walked to where the page had directed him.

"Owen, what's going on?" He asked, seeing the man rubbing Meredith's back as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Someone sent her into the OR, not telling her the girl was a victim of kidnapping." Owen explained as quickly as he could. Alex shook his head, getting down to Meredith's level as he placed his hand on her back.

"Hey, are you alright?" He whispered. Meredith tried to speak, nothing was coming out. "It's okay, you don't have to talk." Alex whispered, pulling Meredith against his chest.

"I- I can't do this," Meredith breathed. "I came here to get away from everything and that girl, she's probably not going to make it and I can't even think about- what if- what if Lexie doesn't?"

"Hey, you can't think like that. That girl isn't your sister." Alex whispered. "We don't know what's happening to Lexie but we can only hope that it isn't like that girl in there. You have to be strong for her, Mer."

"Every minute we don't find her, the chances of her being dead increases and the way she sounded this morning..." Meredith trailed off.

"This morning?" Alex asked, confused.

"She called me, she sounded so...defeated, Alex. She tried to say she was at the beach on some vacation and that Mark was with her. She was trying to let me know she was in trouble and I can't even help her." Meredith cried.

"You might not be able to help her right now," Alex started. "But when she comes home, you can help her then."

"If she does," Meredith whispered.

 "When she does," Alex said firmly. "She's going to need you, Mer." He paused for a moment. "Come on, let's take you home."


Arriving at Meredith and Derek's, Alex used his spare key to get in. He watched as Meredith walked past him, heading upstairs as Derek got up off the couch.

"What happened?" He asked.

"A lot," Alex whispered. "Watch her, Derek. Please just...watch her." He pleaded.

"I will." Derek promised.


Shoutout to @BenslerForever22! Thank you for letting me torture us 😂 (we both love lexie and im very dark and twisty). Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and look out for more!

A Long Way Home - Greys Anatomy/Law And Order Svu CrossoverWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu