A Sinking Feeling

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Waking up the next morning, Meredith reached over to her nightstand, grabbing her phone as she checked to see if there was a text or call from her sister. No such luck. She tried not to worry, hoping maybe Derek was right and maybe Lexie was stuck at the hospital and hadn’t had a chance to check her phone.

“Still nothing,” she muttered, slamming the phone down onto the bed. She shook her head and bit her lip. “Damnit,” she whispered.


Groaning awake, Lexie opened her eyes, inhaling the scent of alcohol that was overtaking the space. She was laying on the floor on her back, not remembering falling asleep after Tristan had forced her to take some kind of pill.

“Where are we?” Lexie asked, looking around.

“We’re almost there, you just hang tight back there,” Tristan said, smiling to himself.


Hours went by. Meredith had been keeping her eye out around the hospital for any sign of Lexie. She had asked everyone she could think of, hoping someone had seen her, with no such luck.

“Derek, she’s not here. Where else could she be?” Meredith growled, sitting across from Derek in the cafeteria. She wasn’t really hungry, pushing her food around as she spaced out.

“And you haven’t heard from her?” Derek asked.

“No, she still hasn’t answered my texts or calls. I know something’s wrong, Derek. It’s not like her to not answer her phone for this long.” Meredith said, shaking her head.

“Okay, after work we can swing by her apartment, alright? Would that make you feel better?” Derek asked.

“It would make me feel better if we knew she was alright, Derek.” Meredith whispered sharply. She stood up, sighing heavily. “I gotta get back to work, I’ll meet you later.”

“Grey, what’s wrong?” Callie asked, watching as Meredith was hooking up a new bag of fluids for a patient.

Once Meredith finished hanging the bag, she walked out of the room to meet Callie. “My sister is nowhere to be found and Derek is acting like he couldn’t give a damn,” Meredith muttered.

“Wait, what do you mean Lexie is missing?” Callie asked, concerned.

“We invited her over for dinner last night and she never showed up. I know Lexie, she wouldn’t just not show up without letting me know she couldn’t make it. Derek thinks I’m overreacting but we’re gonna swing by her apartment after work to see if she’s there.” Meredith said as she they walked down the hallway slowly.

“Well, I’m sure it’s nothing. She probably had something come up and forgot to tell you. I’m sure she’s fine.” Callie said encouragingly.

“Yeah, well, if that's the case she might wish she was missing,” Meredith joked, smirking. “She should know better than to worry me like that.”

“I’m so glad I don’t have sisters, well I have a half-sister but I only met her a few times. From what I hear, they can be quite exhausting.” Callie said with a small laugh.

Meredith laughed. “Having a sister can be a pain but I’m glad I met her. I know I didn’t really care for her when she first arrived but we’re really close now. Even though she can be a pain in the ass sometimes, I love her.”

“She wouldn't be your sister if she wasn’t hard to deal with at times.” Callie smiled. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

“Yeah, I hope so,” Meredith whispered.

A Long Way Home - Greys Anatomy/Law And Order Svu CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now