The New Girl

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"Hey," says number twenty-five after running into me.

"Hi," I say back with a puzzled look on my face.

"I'm Brandon, I think I ran into you a while back on accident. I'm sorry about that."

"It's alright" I assure him.

"Well I'll catch you later"

"Bye" I turn away confused as to what just went on there but then I think about it and I smile. Number twenty-five, Brandon, he actually talked to me. I'm shocked, I was noticed by the quarterback.

*Beep, Beep, Beep* 

The sound of my alarm wakes me up. I wake up and look around. Dammit I knew it was too good to be true. It was just a dream, I'm still just a nothing. I never was talked to by number twenty-five and I doubt that was even his real name. I sit there and contemplate this in my head, most would call that a dream, but I'm pretty sure that was just a nightmare. If it actually was true then it would be a dream. 

I go downstairs to get something to eat. It's a Saturday so I don't have school. I sit down at the table in the kitchen with some toast. I try and come up with some ideas to do for the day. I don't have any friends so it looks like I'll have to stick with going to the library or the mall. 


I decided that the mall would be where I venture to today. I was needing a new band shirt to wear because my old ones were starting to look a bit old and torn up. As I look in Hot Topic for a shirt I catch a glimpse of number twenty-five walking past the door. I put the shirt I was looking at down, and I walk out the door. I decide to follow him to see where he was going. I know I sound like a stalker right now. But he was alone which wasn't normal for him. 

He walks into a sex store. My mouth gapes open. What could he possibly need in there? I decide to walk away in case he might actually notice me for once. I also didn't want to know what he got. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm not even allowed in there since I am so young. Wait, is he even allowed in there? I'm pretty sure he is only seventeen and last time I checked you have to be eighteen. 

I open my mouth in shock realizing that he has a fake I.D. He has to have one because they check I.D. for everyone who looks younger than forty or they can get in trouble. 

I walk back into Hot Topic, the shirt I was looking at was still where I put it. I decided to buy that one. I had taken money out of my mom's wallet. She makes enough of it and never provides for me so I guess this can be her payment.

I head to the concession area. I got my favorite, Chinese Food. I sit down to eat my food, and there he was again. Number twenty-five walked by where I was sitting. He had a bag in his hand but it was crumbled so you couldn't make out where he got it. I'm sure it's safe to assume he got it from that sex store. I'm still confused on how he was able to. Also, what could he possibly need? Was he lacking in the package area? Thinking about this makes me laugh to myself, which causes a girl from the other table to look in my direction. I just look down quickly acting like we never made eye contact. 

I finally finish my food and decide it's time to leave. I get up to throw my trash away when I catch a glimpse of a guy staring at me. I look over and he smiles. It's not number twenty-five, sadly, but I turn around and walk away to go home. 


It's Sunday, that day most perfect little angels go to church. Not me, I stay at home and listen to music. No, not christian music either. I have never been really religious because I always wondered why I got dealt the shitty hand. Like if there was a God why hasn't he helped my mom or found a better home for me and my siblings or just something. 

RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora