She Isn't Normal

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Authors Note: Hey Lovely Readers! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been kind of busy with work and school and everything. But I hope everyone is enjoying it so far!

School was the same as usual, boring. I really never learn anything in school, mostly because I don't pay attention. It's not like they will teach us useful stuff we need to know for life anyways. I mean who really needs to know how to graph a polynomial function on a graphing calculator anyways? 

I sit down on my bed, I have a bag of cheetos in my hand. Cheetos are probably my favorite chip, they are so cheesy and yummy! Wow, okay I probably just sounded like a little kid there, no wonder I have no friends. 

As I'm sitting there, contemplating things, I instantly think of the website Chloe told me about. I get up and grab my laptop from my desk, I don't even know why I have a desk because I NEVER use it. But I log on to MeetMe. I have six profile views and a couple new messages. One of them is from the creator, she must have it set to where she sends it to every new user. Another one was from a boy who looked a little sketchy but I open it anyways,

Hey, wanna get to know me? Maybe learn about my dick(; 

Um, gross. What is wrong with these people. I report him and then block him. I can't stand guys like that. Like you are just a hormonal teenager looking to get into some females pants. Go watch porn or something. I just don't want to even imagine sex right now, not only have I not found anyone worth giving my virginity to but I also think I'm still just a bit too young. 

I go back and look at my profile views, of course there is one from the creator. Then I saw Chloe has found me, I go and view her profile. I'm scrolling through her pictures as I find a picture of her with her clothes off. 

I instantly click off the photos. I do not want to see no more of that. I don't want to even think of that, so I finally just log off. I want to get my mind away from my naked lab partner who I have to go talk too tomorrow at school.


I start skipping through channels. I really never watch a full show because when a commercial comes on I instantly change it to see what else is on. I hate commercials so much, like they are the devil to the television world. I find a show I love watching, The Walking Dead. This show is probably the best show out there right now. I'm in love with Daryl, I totally ship Daryl and Carol. I'm kinda glad that Beth died because she was trying to get all up in there, but other than that she was cool, a little disturbed but cool. I'm currently watching the mid season finale of the show and then a commercial comes on. Since I've already seen the show I begin to skipping through channels again. There's nothing on too watch so I turn on music and zone out.


I wake up from a crazy dream. It was also only three thirty in the morning, damn dream woke me up from my sleep. My ear buds were laying on my bed and I can still hear the faint noise of my music. I know what song is playing its one of my favorites: Drown By Bring Me The Horizon. God I love that song, well I just love Bring Me The Horizon in general. I put my music back in my ears as the last part of the song was playing. It then went to another song. This one was by A Day To Remember, they are one of my favorite bands. The song that was playing was Have Faith In Me. It's a pretty great song. Halfway through the song I doze back off.

The next morning I get ready for school, I put on one of my band t-shirts. One out of the million that I have. I'm a little obsessed. I tie up my converse that I got specially made that has A Day To Remember written all over it. Shhh I just said I'm a little obsessed. 

I walk to school with music playing in my ear. It had just rained a couple hours ago so the streets were mostly covered with water. I'm just walking along as a car comes whizzing by, the water that was on the edge of the road splashed and got all over me.

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