Working Life

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Well my first day at work wasn't to bad. I felt extremely dumb, or it could just be the way my trainer talked to me, she talked to me almost like I had no idea at all what I was doing. I catch on fast so it was pretty annoying. Maybe she just thought she was better than me. She was extremely tall, with long blonde hair, a perfectly straight smile and was one of the longest workers there. Maybe she just didn't really know me, hopefully the way she talks to me will get better.

I worked a six hour shift, which isn't bad for it being fast food. I honestly loved my first day, the environment was just so happy. All the guests really love the place, and my coworkers are just simply amazing. They all joke around but also know how to get the job done. I have a feeling I want to work here for a while.

I got picked up my first day. Eric picked me up right after work he was actually on time which amazed me. "So how was work kiddo?"

"Oh you know, you probably expect me to say that it was boring and lame and it was like any other person going to work, but no. I loved it. My first day was one of many I hope."

"That's good! I hope you stay there a while. It sounds like a great first job to have! I'm glad you are happy kid."

"Thanks Eric, I really appreciate the ride also. I hope to save up to buy a car so you don't have to drive me places anymore."

"Well you know I don't mind driving you places, I love having our little talks."

"I know, so do I. But I'm growing up." In my best pampers commercial singing voice I sung "I'm a big girl now."

He laughed. "Finally you can use pull ups, we don't have to change you anymore. It was becoming quite a hassle."

"Wow" I laughed.

We both continued to laugh. It didn't take us long to get home, and right when I walked in the door Ashley was there asking me how it went. I just told her it went swell, but I was tired so I was going to lay down. It's only six o'clock so I'm sure dinner will be done soon. I get a text from my sister, hey how have you been doing? Is everything going good?

It kind of annoys me how she never takes the time to come see me or my brothers. I use to be so close to her but now it's like she isn't even my sister. I just give her a quick reply, it's good. I decide to text Michael and tell him how my day went, I'm sure he is busy at work so he won't be able to reply. After that I lay my phone on the table next to me, and just lay there gazing up at the ceiling, the white speckles almost look like tiny little mountains poking out from the ceiling. I begin to think. My life has really changed in less than a year...

My mom has died, I've moved in with my aunt and uncle after meeting them for the first time, I have a perfect relationship, a job, and I finally met my dad. Here soon I'll be attending a new school, that luckily isn't big, I'll have new friends hopefully, and I might even be moving in with my dad. Just thinking about all this is overwhelming. It's crazy to think that in just one short year this could all happen. I can't believe how fast your life can change.

I continue to think about moving in with my dad, would it be better than living here? Would he spend time with me? Would he be better than living with my mom? I have so many questions that will continue to be unanswered. I really do want that relationship with my father, the one I never got to experience. But I'm also scared. Maybe they had problems because he has a problem that he doesn't admit to. I'm not sure what would be a better option, I think it is best to just wait it out and see how he is. I did just meet the guy, well and my aunt I suppose. Only the future can tell. 

"Dinners ready!" I heard Ashley scream from the kitchen. "I am starving!" I say as I walk into the kitchen. Dinner was already on the table, golden fried chicken and mashed potatoes with country style gravy, oh my I'm going to be fat! I'm glad that Ashley cooks so well and we sit down for family dinners. 

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