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Its been a couple days and I haven't heard from crazy Chloe since that whole thing happened at my house. Thankfully.  I'm no longer paranoid about her either.

I somewhat check MeetMe. I have gotten a reply from Michael and ever since then we've been talking. He's a pretty nice guy. I enjoy talking to him but he's always working so we don't talk much. I gave him my Kik, but he is never around any WiFi so it was kind of pointless.

I'm back to my boring old life, waking up walking to school, "learning," and obsessing over bands. Fun right? Well only the part about obsessing over bands.

I suppose it's better than having a stalker. She was crazy. I still can't believe that happened. I still have dreams about her coming back. Hopefully she never does.

I'm kind of happy it's a Saturday even though I never do anything except draw and watch Netflix. But today was different, I decided to take a walk.

I put in my music and set out. My destination, the mall. I just wanted some new band merch, of course.


I get to the mall just as the last song starts playing from the album I was listening to. I walk in the doors and look around. It's been a while since I've been in here, well a while for me isn't very long but, it looks different. I think they've gotten some new stores in just the month or two I haven't been in here. Of course none that I would like. There's the prom dress store, which I refuse to go to prom. Mostly because I don't want to be a loner there. And there's also a couple other new stores, mostly just kids stores.

I walk past GameStop tempted to go in. But if I do then I won't have the money for my band merch. Band merch >>> Video games. So I keep on walking. I come up to Hot Topic, just the place I wanted to be at. I look around and they have so much stuff I could literally just drop dead. I go to the section where all the bands are, and right there was a whole section of A Day To Remember. Man, was I in heaven.

I go up to the register and wait in line. There's a couple right in front of me that are purchasing some We Came As Romans bracelets and T-Shirts. When they finish I walk up to the front with my button, bracelet, and T-Shirt of all A Day To Remember of course. I go to pay and I see a hand from behind me go ahead and pay. I had a shocked look on my face. I turned around to see who it was.

It was a girl who had a Motionless In White shirt on, she had short hair and a perfect smile. She just smiled at me and told me "I got it." I smiled back. This girl is awesome! Does she not realize she just spent $30 dollars on a complete stranger?


"Oh it's no big deal! I just moved here so I figured I'd do a good deed for the day."

"Well you are pretty awesome in my eyes!"

"Thanks" she laughed.

I got my stuff and walked out. I was hungry so I went to the food court. I got Subway again because eating fresh is what I do. I laugh because this is definitely not true. As I sit down I see that girl. She makes eye contact with me. She smiles and walks over.

"Do you mind if I sit?"

"No, go ahead."

"My name is Rena, I just moved from Missouri...

Oh no, another Missouri girl, I think. 

... I literally just moved here yesterday and my mom wanted me to go explore the town and I saw a mall and prayed that they had a Hot Topic."

"Yes I know that feeling, I couldn't live without Hot Topic." I tell her. "Oh and my name is Hannah."

We continue on about our favorite bands and why she moved here and we just talked. I checked my phone, it was almost nine o'clock. Shit, I need to get home. 

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