11: Dodge Bullet, Think Shot Gun

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Chapter 11: Dodge Bullet, Shot The Gun

As soon as the door slammed behind him... he ran, ran and ran fast as he could on crippled legs. The bitter cold wracked his resolve and tears slid icily down his cheeks. He pulled out his phone and raised it with shaky fingers. He waited for the person to pick on the other line. It went to voicemail, gruffly hung up and shoved his phone into his jacket pocket. He knew it was selfish of him for what he called FP. He was just so angry and still is. The betrayal hurt most of all because he saw FP as a father figure. His phone started vibrating in jacket pocket, unzipped the zipper and pulled out the device and saw they called him back.


"Jones, why are you calling?"

He choked out a sob. And the person on the other line asked again," Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Can I stay at your place tonight?"

"Yeah-yeah of course you can, you're always welcome."


"Jughead, what's going on?"

"He's been lying to me!"

"Who has?"

He looked up at the street light, letting the shine burn his eyes. "FP."

"What did he do?" He didn't answer." Jug..."

"I found out that he's my dad and he's been lying to me for weeks!" He cried out as pain reflected in his eyes.

"Oh, Jones." He fought back the tears that were threatening to fall again. "I'm sorry that can't be easy."

"I'm almost to your place." He announced as his bike came to a stop in front of their place.

"Call me when you get here or text me so I can buzz you in."


Alice stirred the spoon in her mug with sugar and coffee creamer, the next morning. JB and Charles spent the night over and it was a week from Christmas. Everything wasn't going the way it should've. Nor did they prepare for Jughead's reaction. JB spent an hour crying about what her brother screamed at her. Charles consoled her saying he was just upset and when he cools down everything will be okay.

"Has Jughead answered?" Charles shook his head, hanging his lowly at the table.

"He sent all my calls to voicemail." Sighing sadly, Alice took a sip from the mug in her hand. "I think he turned his phone off or - - I don't know. He's really angry with all of us right now."

"Do you think he'll ever come back?" JB asked as she searched everybody's eyes for an answer.

"I don't know, Jelly." Alice answered honestly with a sigh. "We'll see what tomorrow brings."

FP rolled out of bed, exhaustion clear on his face when he looked in the mirror. He could see there was eyebags underneath his eyelids. He went for another walk to see Fred last night. At times he wished his old Buddy was still here. He hated that stupid tire for blowing and caused him to be side-swiped by a reckless teenager. He didn't fault the kid, it was unfortunate that the kid would never forget it. The call he got when he arrived in Cherry Creek, seeing your best friend in bloody gore would make anybody fall apart but no FP tuft it out. He saw all the bad and didn't run. At this very moment he wanted to run, find Jughead and pull him into his arms. FP had no clue if the kid was alright. His son ignored all his calls and texts. He got his cell out and began re-dialing. Waiting until he got the voicemail again.

He began, trying to keep his voice from breaking through." Jughead, I'm so so sorry. You were completely right. I should've told you when you woke up instead of pushing it further and further back. I-I-I was scared, scared of losing you. I was wrong and now I'm losing you anyways!" His eyes started to build-up with tears. "Please just send me a text, hell just even tell someone to call me. I'm worried out of my mind. The last... the last time we got into a huge fight... y-you-you almost died, baby boy. I've always hated it when you were mad at me. I fucked up with drinking, losing my jobs and most of all, I hurt you. I don't want to get a call saying you crashed your motorcycle into a ditch and I-I oh, god!" He sobbed," If you got killed or hurt because you were angry while driving I'd never forgive myself, Juggie!" Tightly, he gripped the phone and covered his mouth with his hand and then removed it so he could breathe. "I love you, son. Please just let me know you are okay, okay?" He ended the message and his phone hit the ground.

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