3: Alone In The Car

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Chapter 3: Alone In The Car

Dr. Spencer called them all into his office at seven in the evening on Jughead's sixth day. Six days had gone by like police flashing lights since the young Jughead Jones was admitted into ICU. FP, Alice sat on the same side of the table as Charles and JB. The doctor cleared throat, grabbing everyone's attention before he proceeded. How could he break this to them?

"Alice, FP... I have some bad news..." The look of horror on their faces made him feel uneasy.

"What is it, doc? Tell it to me straight, no sugar coat." FP's voice was in controlled tone, his legs shook underneath the table.

Charles and JB stared at the doctor to continue." I'm afraid we hit some setbacks. Jughead heart went into cardiac arrest at 6:39 P.M. during Nurse Jade's daily check in at rounds." FP's heart rate started to rise, feeling air disappear from his lungs. "We were able to resuscitate him and restart his heart without any more complications." Alice felt him squeeze her hand tightly.

They saw the look on his face and only knew there was more bad news. FP and Alice prepared for the worst while Charles and Jellybean begged for better results to their questions. "Complications?"

"Yes, FP. Jughead was without oxygen for fifthteen minutes longer than I would've liked. When your brain is without oxygen for too long it starts to have risks. I wish I had better news, I really do. But with the time Jughead was under it could possibly have caused damage to his brain."

FP's brown eyes welled with unshed tears as he tried his hardest to take in the info he was given. "I'm afraid he slipped into a coma."

"Will he wake up?" JB asked in a small voice.

"In due time when his body can handle it. I can't be certain that he will, I'm sorry." The doctor said soberly.

JB threw herself into Charles' arms, sobbing against his chest. Charles enveloped her with his arms, letting her fall apart. He watched his father with a careful eye. His dad looked like he was hit by a car himself. He felt that way too. Alice couldn't believe it. Jughead's in a coma. His heart stopped.... he was without air... he could've died.

An hour after they were told Jughead's condition had worsened, FP left the room, leaving Alice in a state of wonder. She knew he wasn't handling it well. I mean who would. Not only did he learn that the son he raised wasn't his, also the fact they were in the first place. The fact his son was in a coma, fighting for his life because a drunk driver struck his car and caused all this. And the final piece to the never-ending puzzle -- the child he loves to death could possibly never wake up.

Alice's phone rings when she's walking down the Corridor, surprising her. She walked down Corridor past the ICU waiting room to be able to take the call.

When she looked down at the screen, her eyes widened. "Hello?" She said into the phone.

Then she heard a voice she hasn't heard in awhile. The last time they spoke was after Hiram had finally passed from his disease. She was drunk when she called Alice, crying about missing Fred. She missed him too but she couldn't understand to her point. She was never in a relationship like her dear friend. Sure they kissed once, okay made out for a while but that was all it was.

"Hermione? Why are you calling?" She let out a tired yawn, indicating how exhausted she is. She hadn't been sleeping well at the hotel. How could she? Someone she cared very deeply for is fighting for his life. And there was nothing she could do but what to see the outcome brings.

"Betty told Veronica about what happened. I'm so sorry for Jughead. How's FP taking it?" Alice bit back a bitter spite laugh.

"Not good at all. Less than an hour ago we found out that Jughead fell into a comatose state. FP left without even letting me know where he was heading. It's been really hard over the last six days, Mione." Her voice cracked as she said the nickname.

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