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lmao i forgot about this for over a week i was tired bro sorry

also omg i forgot a detail while writing the lemon aaaaaaaaaaaa
childe has a tattoo of the fatui emblem on his back, right in between his shoulder blades



     The light of mid-morning was filtering through the blinds when your eyes finally blinked open. You were alone in your bed, blankets tangled around your bare legs. Your head pounded as you sat up, a likely result of the drinking you had gotten up to last night. At that thought though, the memories of the previous night rushed back to you, and dread pooled in your stomach.

     You looked around for Childe, but he was nowhere to be found. You were still wearing his button-up shirt that you'd put on before falling asleep last night, but that was the only sign of any of his belongings. You stared absently at the other side of the bed where had been, realizing he had just up and left without so much as a goodbye. It suddenly struck you just how little you truly meant to him, even if he didn't even say anything after what you two had done.

     A loud knock at your front door wrenched you from your thoughts. Stumbling into the living room and fiddling with the lock, you finally opened the door to possibly the worst person that could be here considering the state you were in. Kaeya looked like he had run the whole way here, windswept hair and breathing heavily. His eyes were wide as he stared at you like he'd just seen a ghost.

     "Y/N?! Holy shit, answer your fucking phone once in a while!" he shouted between breaths.

     "What's going on? My phone was dead and I was busy so I didn't get a chance to plug it in..." you replied, concerning lacing your eyebrows together upon noticing the panic in his voice.

     "I-it's Jean," he paused to take a shaky breath, "They fucking- the Fatui, they killed Jean!"

     It felt like something within you cracked. Jean... she's gone. She, along with Kaeya, had taken you in off the streets, given you a family within Ord Favonius, and helped you get back on your feet. She meant an incredible deal to you, even if you had never told her that. And now you would never get the chance. Running a shaky hand through your hair, you asked, "Are you sure? Maybe you misheard whoever told you, or she was just attacked? She's okay, she has to be." Kaeya placed a hand on your shoulder, and that confirmed it. She was really gone.

      With almost comedic timing your bedroom door opened, and Childe popped his head out, "Y/N where'd you go- Oh! There you are... Uh, am I interrupting something?" his hair was wet, so he must not have left, just taken a shower. You wish he'd have just left instead.

     Kaeya's eyes snapped over to him, and before you could stop him he was already pushing past you and heading towards Childe. He would kill him if you didn't intervene in time. Childe raised his eyebrows when Kaeya pulled out his knife, only narrowly dodging when he slashed it at him. You ran over and grabbed Kaeya's arm to stop him, but it was no use. He was too filled with rage to think about the fact it would hurt you too.

     "Normally, I would be more than happy to fight a high ranking member of a rival gang, but I'm a little hungover right now. Couldn't we put a rain check on this, Sir Kaeya?" Childe was unarmed and couldn't find an opening to get the blade away from Kaeya. He also didn't want to hurt you, as you were still trying to pull Kaeya away.

     "Who killed her? Was it you, you scum!?" Kaeya spat.

      "Mm, killed who? If it was yesterday, it couldn't have been me. I was with our dear Y/N-chan for most of the day, and the whole night too."

[ON HOLD] Shared Scars | Childe x Fem!Reader | Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now