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     You felt warmth around you, and your eyes slowly opened you noticed that you were in a bed. You went to sit up, but that simple movement caused you to wince in pain. It was then that you realized your shirt and jacket had been stripped off of you, and bandages and gauze were wrapped around your shoulder.

     Remembering the event that caused the injury, you bolted upright in bed, despite the pain it caused. A hand laid itself on your uninjured shoulder, and you looked over to see Kaeya; he's your mentor, and he sent you on the mission that had nearly gotten you killed. 

     "Hey, calm down," He said in his soft voice. "You need to rest."  His hair was down, out of its usual ponytail. There were dark circles under his eyes as well, likely a result of him staying up to make sure you hadn't died.

     "Wait but where," you took a shaky breath, trying to collect your thoughts. "Where did he go? He was right next to me I-"

     Kaeya cut you off, "You mean the Fatui who nearly killed you?"

     "No, no you don't understand! He's... He..." You couldn't seem to find the words among your racing thoughts. And how would you explain that to him when you found them? 'My almost-killer is my soulmate!' He would either think you're crazy or that you were confused due to the injury you had sustained.

     "...Nevermind. How long have I been out, anyway?" You swung your legs off the bed, nearly falling as you stood up. But Kaeya put out one strong arm to catch you.

     "Just about an entire day. It's the eighth now." You had gone out on the mission on the sixth. "By the way, Jean needs to see you, so get some clothes on," He got up to leave the room. "And, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have sent you alone."

     "It wouldn't have mattered. It was a harbinger that did it." but Kaeya didn't hear you; he had already closed the door and left.


     Tartaglia awoke in his own bed, in the apartment he lived in approximately 6 blocks away from the Fatui's main base of operations. His wound was well dressed and didn't cause him any pain, but when he looked around to see who had brought him home and nursed him, he found that he was alone. The apartment was dark and empty, the only sounds being his own breathing.

     He was strong enough to walk around on his own, so he dressed and left to get some fresh air. He needed to clear his thoughts and figure out what to do in regards to the discovery from the previous evening. That Ord Favonius girl, who he should have been able to kill so easily, was his soulmate. Tartaglia couldn't afford to have a soulmate, he needed to get stronger, and he needed to achieve his goals so he could finally go home to his sister and family. This was just a hindrance.

     But he can't kill her, he knows that. For her to die would kill him as well, like some life-sized voodoo doll. But perhaps there was another way, some way to defy "fate" and rid himself of this inconvenience.


     Softly knocking on Jean's office door to announce her presence, Y/N entered the room. She was sitting on her desk, waiting for you. "You wanted to see me,,?"

      "Yes, I did. I need you to do something for me," She made eye contact with you, and combined with her tone of voice it made you extremely uncomfortable. "You need to go back to the Fatui."

     "I- What? are you not aware that I nearly died the other night?" You were absolutely astonished by what she was saying. Why would she willingly cast you back into the grips of death?

     "It's not what it sounds like, Y/N. We've received word from a scout that Tartaglia is headed in the direction of Celestia Park," She paused, to pick her next words carefully as to not upset you, "I need you confront him there."

     You simply plopped into one of the chairs near her desk as your blood ran cold. She wanted you to see him again, face to face. You knew she was stern and you wouldn't be able to talk yourself out of this however, so for now you just had to take deep breaths until it was over.

     "He won't attack you, there are too many people around and it isn't worth the risk, regardless of how much he loves a fight. I just need you to corner him and find out what you can about who attacked you," She paused, "You didn't see their face, right?"

     You just nodded, and left to room to prepare yourself.


mmmm tartaglia brainrot <3
but is it really brainrot is he waters my crops, clears my skin, and makes me happy? mm?

oh btw hell be known as tartaglia in the beginning, then transition to child as you fear him less, and then go all way to ajax as you,, yknow :)

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