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so uhhh FAT CONTENT WARNING on this whole ass fic for blood and violence, and some kidnapping n torture things later in
stay safe babes <3


It's approximately 2:30 am, and Kaeya has sent you out to case the surroundings of the Fatui's, your rival gang's, hideout; it was to be quick and easy, and you'd be back no later than 3:30. He sent you alone, of course he would. He consistently overestimated your ability to work alone, especially on stealthier jobs; you were small and quiet, but you were also clumsy. Clumsy is a very bad thing to be in this business.

It had just rained hours before, so the sidewalks were slick and covered with puddles, so you needed to tread carefully to avoid detection. As you peeked around a corner to make sure the coast was clear, you see someone ducking out of the dim flickering light given off by a street lamp; It looked as if the figure may have had orange hair, but there's no way of saying for certain. You were very close to where your gang, Ord Favonius, suspected the entrance was, but it was likely guarded so extra caution was needed.

Approaching the rusty door, you heard footsteps. Quickly drawing your switchblade you turn around to find the source, only to be with the tall ginger-haired man before you; You recognized him as Tartaglia, a high-ranking member of the Fatui. His blue eyes stood out clear and sharp, even in the low light. He approached with a grin, as if you were an old friend, "Well, well, looks like I've found myself some knight scum," Ord Favonius members were sometimes called Knights, but only by those outside the organization. "Though, I do wish they'd sent someone tougher. It's no fun when they can't put up a fight." His grin turned to an almost childish pout, and he pulled a dagger out of his pocket. You could see the pistol holstered at his hip and wondered why he didn't just use that, get it over and done with quickly.

You were too shocked to say anything and only held up your switchblade in a feeble attempt to intimidate him. It didn't work obviously, and without a moment's notice, he'd rushed you and plunged his blade into your shoulder. It forced the breath out of you, and blood started to leak through your shirt and down your torso. You looked up at him, fully realizing how much taller he was; you might have even found him handsome if not for the knife in your shoulder, and the look of delight on his face. Until you noticed his eyes widen, and he looked down at his own shoulder.

Tartaglia's shoulder was also pooling red, staining his grey jacket a hue of red that matched his scarf. You reached out towards the spot, not knowing exactly why, and he winced when you made contact with it. That's when it dawned on the both of you. The two of you, enemies, had been fated to meet. And you were fated to fall in love.

You stumbled backward and fell, and doing so wrenched the knife free from its temporary home in your flesh. Doing so opened the wound further, which increased your bloodless. The two of you sat there staring at each other in stunned silence. The chime of a bell tower in the distance told you it was 3:30; Kaeya was going to come looking for you soon, you need to get out of here.

Tartaglia came to his senses quicker than you, "You need to go," he said as he lowered himself to the ground.

"Y-you're not going to kill me?" you asked him.

"No fun in killing you if neither of us can fight."

You tried to get up, to run away from the man who had tried to kill you only minutes before, but the blood loss had weakened both of you, and you collapsed onto him. You both slumped against each other as your vision went dark. You thought you heard someone shout your name, but it sounded miles away.

Then everything went dark.

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