Ch.5 The week of Thanksgiving and My Best Friend Lizzy being quarantined.

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This starts in November 2020 from last year when My Best Friend Lizzy was told to stay home and quarantine till further notice she tried to tell me to make the best but it didn't work out so I set a socializing to socialize with Lizzy and Christina Wiley and Mary Cuffe on zoom during Morning Meeting this went till December I realized my old phone was not working I needed a iPhone badly it came near the week of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I took those holidays off from program and the week of New Year's Eve which leads up to me staying home till further notice all because I wanted to be with My Best Friend Lizzy prior to that I was on the van on my own while my best friend Lizzy was quarantine to me this indicates when I come back to program with Alyssa and Cara driving me to program it sounds like Dan L and Bahia will ride with Bill and me to be with Cara and Alyssa and My Best Friend Lizzy so I am not on my own on the van again  hopefully and to add to that my family notice I wasn't coping and my attitude was bad they told when I eventually go back to program the first day I return to talk to Hannah and Drew about me seeing a therapist to sort my emotions and coping and socializing and social distancing issues. Now I am home till further notice just like Lizzy my best friend so I can socialize with her and do zoom with program from home till I am back at program eventually. Hopefully this year in 2021 now that I have a socializing schedule in place either in program or at home on zoom that should help me cope till I am back program again hopefully and make a better effort with socializing distancing and improving my attitude and continue to work on this throughout the year 2021 for Me, My Best Friend Lizzy and Christina Wiley and Mary Cuffe and my other friends in program can try harder and support me through this year and we are in January hopefully this year is better and hopefully we all get vaccinated for the virus before the summer this year and stay healthy and safe.

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The Coronavirus and Dan and Lizzy's Friendship Where stories live. Discover now