23. How to distract her

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Well I am angry yar 2 days and you guys have still not completed my target

It litterly takes 2 seconds of yours to vote

But it matters a lot to us

I know I am late but yesterday I have written almost half part but it didn't save so now have to write it again

I hope this time you guys will complete the target

100 votes 25 comments only

So let's continue


Then after the bandage of her wound Manik gave her a pain killer and she slept.

Then Manik sat beside her on the bed and started caressing her hairs.

She has some frown lines on her forehead and Manik knew that those are over there because she is still in pain.

So he kissed her forehead from time to time.

Manik's pov

I know she is still hiding her pain. She is feeling so much pain. I have to do something I can't see her like this.

She is my love , she is my life , she is my shining star , I can't let her be in pain.

I need to do something. Let me talk to others.

Pov end

Then he closed the curtains of her room and went outside after kissing her forehead and her cheeks.

Then he went to the living room. There all his friends were sitting.

Cabir: Manik what happened? , why are you looking worried? Is their any problem?

Manik: Cabir! Nandini is in pain , I can't see her like this. You know she is still hiding her pain. Just because she don't want us to get worried.

Cabir: Ok let me think what should we do?

Navya: How about Manik give her some ice-creams she will feel good , you know na ice-creams are her favorite.

Manik: I know Navya but we can't you know na doctor had said to give her only healthy food.

Dhruv: How about we go outside?

Cabir: No Dhruv we can't , if we will go and we will roam them you know na she can't walk so she will feel more bad , so we can't.

Alya: Guys we need to do something to distract her.

Cabir: Yeah Alya but what?

Alya: What about let's call Mukti , she will feel good or her family?

Manik: No we can't Alya , she will be in pain but she will hide it from them , so I don't think so that it's a good idea.

Navya: What about Abeer , you know na she loves to play with Abeer.

Manik: No Navya you know na she loves to play blindfold with Abeer but now she can't , so this also is not a good idea.

Cabir: Guys I have a perfect plan and this will 100% work.

All: What?

Cabir: ____________

Manik: Guys I think that this plan will work.

Cabir: So let's start the preparation.

Then they all do the preparations for their plan.

(What could be their plan , think think think)

Then when they were done with their preparations after one hour.

Then Manik went to her room and kissed her forehead and she woke up , then he made her freshen up.

Although she was smiling the whole time but still Manik knew the pain behing that smile.

So after freshening up she picked her up in his arms and took her downstairs

Then he asked her to have her lunch. But Nandini made a bad face after watching soup again in lunch too.

Nandini: Manikkkk!

Manik: What?

Nandini: I don't want to have that soup.

Manik: No Nandini You have to.

Nandini: Manik please

Manik: Ok First have that soup then their is a surprise for you.

Nandini (twinkling eyes): Surprise? What surprise Manik? Tell me na.

Manik: Nandini It's surprise and you hurridely finish your soup then I will tell you the surprise.

Nandini: Ok

Then she quietly finished the whole soup

Nandini: Manik Now show me the surprise.

Manik: Wait baby.

Then they all went in their rooms (all included Manik , Dhruv , Navya , Alya)

Then they all come after a few minutes changing their outfits into , boys into vest and shorts while girls into exercise outfit.

Then they all come after a few minutes changing their outfits into , boys into vest and shorts while girls into exercise outfit

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Manik's looks and outfit

Then be came and picked her up in his arms and went outside in the lawn.

There she saw that 4 sheets were spreaded on the grass and each sheet has a box of cardboard on it.

Manik made her sit on a wheelchair that was placed over their.

Cabir: So Nandini are you ready for the surprise.

Nandini: Yeah

Cabir: So this is a game between Manik and Dhruv and Alya and Navya.

So the game is that I will put something on the other side of that cardboard and you guys will not be able to see that.

Then you guys have to run and then you have to slip on that sheet.

So simple and the rule is the one who will not slip properly or will not pass through that cardboard, he/ she will have to bear a punishment from Nandini.

All: Ok


So finally done

I have thought to write more but as I am sick so can't do anything

I hope you guys will like it and next part is going to be really good

So what will happen next?

As we all know that life main happiness always come with problems

So know what problems MaNan have to face.

Now what will happen.

Complete the target soon to unlock the next part

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