Chapter 24 (Unedited)

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This slumber party is really fun. I believe the girls are having fun. Selena was at ease and seeming to have a bunch of fun. Celeste is having a blast. Right now Lettie is giving her a french manicure with little butterflies on her nails so that they match mine. All the girls have unrolled their sleeping bags on the floor in a half circle around the sectional couches that we were leaving for my mom and Selena.
'How's your night going butterfly?' a soft whisper came through my head.
'It's been a great night. The girls are all relaxing and I feel like your mother and I are really getting along. The pictures were great. What are you guys up too?'
"Well your friend Ethan was amazing. He translated the instructions perfectly in English. Honestly they were even more confusing that way then they were in the first place. Between him and Mike they got that contraption together. Now Mike and Brian are teamed up and completely taking down Niles and Troy at call of duty.' Brent replied with a chuckle and I could imagine the fun they were having.
"Hey girly stop talking to your man and come back to the girls night only." Nessie said launching a pillow at my head I caught it and flung it back at her. After that a massive pillow fight erupted. There was a lot of squealing and laughing that fallowed with Celeste running over and dodging behind my knees. She was helping me by telling me who was coming which way and when to duck.
"Well that's not fair having an angel watch your back." Lettie said as we all collapsed.
"Speaking of guys. What's going on with you and Thad?" Nessie asked Auburey. We all turned to the girl in question to see her blush and smile sheepishly.
"Thad Underwood? Brent's friend?" Selena asked.
" Yeah him and Auburey have been flirting around the last couple days." I said nudging her and leaning against her shoulder she just smiled. I could tell that she was smitten.
"He's really sweet he's been walking me to class and hanging out with me before his practices." She said looking off dreamily.
"He's a really good young man. He's been friends with Brent, Niles, and Troy for as long as I can remember. Brent asked him to be his forth. He agreed of course. He's also working with Butler to become the head pack warrior. He's always been sweet and caring a respectful. I think he's a good fit for you sweetie." Selena said softly smiling at the girl. All of us just smiled softly at her.
After that we continued to talk about boys and watch movies. Then we laid down for bed. Celeste came over and crawled into my sleeping bag and cuddled up against me. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
'Goodnight Love' I mind linked Brent before drifting off into sleep.
"Ah come on man. You beat us again." Thad groaned at Mike. I just chuckled. The guys were all having fun and we got to know each other really well. Brian was seriously impressive knowing different languages. Mike knows different ways of making thing work when the instructions make no sense. Claire's friends are quite brilliant.
"Who's next?" Mike asked with a smile.
"Okay I think I have this figured out. Niles and I are going again. Only this time I am going to be Ethan's partner and Niles you are going to team up with Mike. Let's see how you are pitted against each other." Troy announced with a wicked smile. For some reason this didn't seem to faze the two in question. Thad headed to the kitchen for a drink and I fallowed him in.
"How's training going?" I asked him leaning against the island.
"Not bad. Butler started out kicking my butt but now I can actually hold my own. He's hard core. I hope someday I can be half as good of a warrior as he is." Thad said jumping up and sitting on the counter.
"Well from the meeting Dad and I had with him he says that you're doing exceptional and in the past couple days seem to have gotten stronger. He says that you seem to have found something that spurred your protective nature." I said back messing with the salt and pepper. Glancing up I saw a small smile play across his face.
"That sounds about right." He said with a smile.
"Oh who is it?" I asked with a small inkling.
"Claire's friend Auburey. I think that she's my mate. I mean I can't tell for sure yet but that first day our wolves connected and I can't get her off my mind. She's a shy little thing and Zeb is very protective of her. Is it possible to find your mate before your 18?" He asked.
"Actually it is. Sorry to eavesdrop but I walked in when you guys started." Claire's dad said. We both smiled at him and nodded because we didn't mind. So he continued. "Since you are our future Alpha and have found your mate another Alpha in her own right and a Huntress it's natural that your top four are finding their other half's.  It's gonna start in the girls too. They are all gonna find their sole mates because in the end that makes you stronger as a fighter and as a person."
We both just started at him slightly dumbfounded.
"That's cool but also scary. What if I'm not ready or strong enough to protect her?" Thad said looking down. I felt the same way and reached out and bumped his shoulder.
"You are all ready. You were raised for this. I've had the fortune to watch those girls grow as well as you guys. Your both strong and as a group you'll be the strongest team. The girls won't entirely let you protect them all the time because they do know how to protect themselves. Unfortunately they are strong independent girls who will clearly tell you when you did something to make them mad. They will put you in your place and tell you how it is. They are also loyal and hilarious and incredibly loving. They will definitely keep you on your toes. Just as you will them." Thomas said making us feel a lot better. Slightly nervous but a lot better. We finished getting what we had gone into the kitchen for and walked back into the game room to see Ethan and Niles grinning in accomplishment and Mike and Troy yelling at their characters as if that would help them. We all went back to laughing and cheering them on. I felt Claire touch my mind to say goodnight. It was nice to feel that I was the last thought before she drifted off to sleep.
'Goodnight Butterfly.' I sent back. Looking back at the guys I saw that they had finished their games. So I got their attention and told them the idea floating through my mind and they all loved it.

    Next Morning

'Hey beautiful wake up.' I felt Brent touch my mind. Waking up I stretch and looked up to see Mom and Selena awake.
'What's wrong?' I ask confused.
'Nothing but wake up the girls and get dressed then come out the front door.' he responded softly. I was confused but did as he said. Once we were all dressed we opened the front door to find rose petals scattered from the door and down the porch.
'What's this?' I asked looking at the girls who looked equally as shocked but happy.
'Fallow the path and find out.' Brent sent back gleefully.
"Brent says to fallow the petals" I said aloud.
"Thomas says to do the same. Do you know anything about this?" Mom asked Selena.
"Nope this is a new one to me. Toby isn't letting me in to see what they're up too." she answered.
"Let's go." Celeste said reaching up and grabbing my hand. We started out fallowing the rose petals. They lead through the back yard to the girls and I's favorite picnic area. Going through the door we found all the guys standing around a table that is filled with breakfast foods and great smelling flowers and candles.
"Good morning beautiful ladies. We decided to surprise you with breakfast. Come come." Brent said ushering us in. Each guy led us to a chair and pulled it out for us then pushed it in. We passed the morning with some surprisingly good food and great conversation. This was the best morning ever.

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