Chapter 11(Unedited)

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Shortly after the elder ended his story everyone headed home because just about everyone was falling asleep. They all stopped by to thank me before leaving. Alpha toby had announced that training tomorrow would be around noon. We were lucky that the schools were run by pack mates so we were given a bit of a break from school. Two weeks to train as a unit. Tonight was great.

"Thank you so much for having us tonight Claire." Selena said coming over with Toby, Drake, his mate, my mother, my father, the boys and the girls.

"You are so very welcome. I'm glad you all joined us."

"Hey Alpha we're gonna sleep here tonight ok?" Tina said for the girls. Tabitha nodded and looked excited.

"Sure. Tabitha would you like to see your room?" I asked. She looked like she was having troubles containing her excitement.

"Ohhhh Tabby can we come too? I can't wait till you see your room." Izzy said hyper. She nodded so I stepped away from Brent to link my arm with hers. I gestured for everyone to follow us as I led them through the kitchen and up the stairs to a wide antique decorated hallway.

"This door here is Lettie's room with Tina's right next to it. Down that way is Izzy's room on the left and Nessie's room on the right. My room is behind that door at the end." I said waving to each door as I named them. They each had our names carved on to the door at eye level with intricate designs around them. Stopping at the door right next to Izzy's, I remove the soft fabric covering Tabitha's name. "Here is your room."

She looked at me before reaching up and stroking the designs that led to her name. She seemed in awe about it. She then placed her hand on the gold and marble door handle before looking at me once again. I nodded and smiled encouragingly. I was a little nervous myself. I had decorated it the way I would imagine a little sister would like it. She took a deep breath smelling the air fresheners I had put in her room.

"Is that cinnamon?" She asked.

"Yeah there are fresh cinnamon sticks in there for you. I remembered once I went with my father to visit your parents to help fix that tree that fell in your yard a few years ago, your house smelled so much like freshly cooked cinnamon buns. Over the three days I helped them I realized it was just how your house always smelled and thought that this was a way for you to have a little piece of home while you're here." I said she just stared at me in awe. I smiled. "Go ahead and see the rest."

She opened the door and walked in her mouth opening in awe as she looked around the room. I was excited to see the smile of happiness on her face. The walls were done in a soft sandy cream color with hand painted horses running through pastures with rolling mountains in the background and a soft sun set. She had a white double sized day bed that was made of wood with soft red, white and pink roses twined around the legs of the bed. She had a desk that my father and I had made our of two old wagon wheels and a comfy brown desk chair. There was a plush tan carpet that peaked out from under her bed. The walk in closet held enough space to keep four seasons worth of clothes and a chestnut dresser. The other door led her a cream marble and white full bathroom. She turned to me in awe.

"I love the old west and horses."

"I know. I've seen your book reports in the hall and they are all on that subject. Plus I'm a teacher's aide for your English teacher. She let me read your report on wild mustangs. It wasn't hard to decipher your love for them. Also here's a really cool feature that I thought you'd like." I said walking over to the wall beside her bed and pushing a button. The twin sized chest started rumbling. The front part started rumbling and moving unfolding to a comfortable twin size bed. "I figured if you ever wanted to have Lisa spend the night she should have a bed too." She gave me the look of utter disbelief and ran to throw her arms around me.

"We'll let you orient yourself. There's a brand new tooth brush and some pajamas in the bathroom for you. Do not hesitate to knock on one of our doors if you need anything. Anything at all, Ok?" I said tapping her nose until she nodded. We all dispersed and I walked the boys to the door. After saying goodnight Troy and Nelson walked out to the porch to wait for Brent.

"Have a goodnight Butterfly." He said placing a soft kiss on my lips before leaving. I waited till I couldn't see them anymore before heading up to my room to take a badly needed shower and crawling into bed. The one thing on my mind was my handsome mate.


"Tonight was amazing. Your girl can cook some good food." Nelson said as we walked home.

"Did you see the art work in Tabitha's room? That was totally paint by Claire." Troy stated. They were both proud of how talented their future Luna is. Heck I totally proud of her. I checked my phone for the first time all night. I smiled as I found the picture Troy had sent of us. I quickly saved it as my lock screen photo.

"So I'm guessing that we'll meet up with you tomorrow at the training ground?" Nelson asked guessing my intentions for tonight.

"Yeah you know how to get ahold of me if you need me." I answered as we broke off towards our rooms in the pack house.

'Father, will you need to meet with me tonight or is all well?' I mind linked him.

'All is well. Goodnight son and tell my future daughter goodnight as well.' He answered guessing my intent as well. I quickly showered then changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt grabbing my football hoodie and heading back out. Quickly I was underneath Claire's bedroom window. I could see a light on in her room and feel through the bond that she was still awake. I bent down and picked up a few pebbles from the garden. I lightly started tossing them at her window. After three I saw her pull back the curtain.

'What are you doing Handsome?' her soft voice asked in my mind while she leaned against the seal with a smile.

'Well, I thought I see if my beautiful mate would allow me to sneak through her window so that I may sleep beside her and have the second best night sleep ever.' I stated smiling back.

"You know it's not sneaking when everyone in the house can sense you're here right." She asked aloud with a giggle while nodding.

"Shush let me pretend my plan worked out." I said with a chuckle as I easily jumped to a limb that stood out across from her window then after she stepped back I jumped through landing gracefully inside. I stood looking around her room reminded me of night time. It had blues, blacks, and purples all around. The wood was all black as well as the carpet. On the wall wolves were painted in groups. Beside her bed was a breath takings sight. There stood a tall deep brown almost black wolf with a mischievous glint in his green gold eyes and white fur on his legs. The glint was matched by that of the tan wolf with a black patch on his eye and the reddish with a white star on his head one that stood on either side of him. I walked up and touched the black wolf.

"This looks like Sebastian." I said looking at her in shock while referring to my wolf.

"Well that's because that who it is." She said quietly blushing while crawling on to her bed and scooting over to the wall. My wolf pranced inside of me with glee.


"I've had a crush on you for years and when I saw you shift once at a pack gathering last year he inspired me to paint. It's kinda weird huh?" I said not really meeting his eyes. I glanced up to see him lay his hoodie on my desk chair and pull off his t-shirt to reveal is chiseled arms and six pack washboard arms before crawling in next to me and pulling me close.

"It's not weird at all. I feel so lame that I never saw you before. I was really focused on learning how to lead the pack and play football that I never paid much attention but that's no excuse I will make up for it as time goes by." He said as I snuggled against him. We settled in and he reached over to turn off my bedside night gasping slightly as my favorite part of the room lite up. I had done a lot of research to find sensored lights that turned on automatically in the dark then adhered them to my ceiling. They made a constellation in the sky of the night of the full moon. The night when we are at one with the world around us. He started stroking my hair and we both soon fell asleep.

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